
Cleaning innovations that are here to stay

Once considered trendy, these are now essential for keeping public spaces clean, healthy, and safe.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
David L. Smith

While using the latest techniques and tools holds the key to a best-in-class facility cleaning program, it’s important to understand how all the elements interact to get the necessary results.

A holistic approach

No matter how thorough the cleaning is in one area, inadvertent neglect of another can affect the entire facility, from the health of occupants to productivity and overall appearance.

In 2024, air purification, greener practices, and certifications have emerged as the industry frontrunners, driven by evolving expectations, innovation, and the greater emphasis placed on sustainability.

But these cleaning methods and supports aren’t isolated concepts; they’re integrated steps in a comprehensive and effective cleaning program. Each step works cumulatively to proactively tackle challenges, mitigate risk, enhance productivity, and deliver the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. The following three cleaning practices are components of an integrated approach to maximizing effectiveness in commercial facilities.

Air purification

With growing concerns about indoor air quality and its impact on health, air purification is now a critical element of facility maintenance. While traditional HVAC systems are essential for temperature regulation, they’re inadequate for addressing airborne pollutants indoors.

Poor air quality isn’t just uncomfortable, it can lead to short- and long-term health effects, increase the risk of spreading pathogens, contribute to absenteeism, and even decrease productivity. Proactive measures, such as air purification systems and electrostatic scrubbing are designed to supplement existing ventilation systems to:

  • Prevent illness, especially in high-traffic spaces, by removing air pollutants to reduce the risk of outbreaks and minimize the spread of germs and bacteria indoors.
  • Control odour, creating a more inviting and enjoyable indoor environment by eliminating odours and stale air.
  • Improve productivity, through well-ventilated air that supports higher cognitive function, higher concentration, and reduced absenteeism.

Sustainable chemistries

The current surge of interest in sustainable cleaning practices is spurred by environmental consciousness and the growing awareness of potential health implications that can be associated with many traditional cleaning chemicals. Harsh chemicals and synthetic additives contribute to water pollution, and in some cases have been linked to adverse health effects. In contrast, sustainable cleaning chemistries offer benefits that include:

  • Reduced environmental impact, as more sustainable products are formulated using natural, biodegradable ingredients that minimize harm to ecosystems and reduce carbon footprint.
  • Improved indoor air quality, by reducing or eliminating the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are emitted by many traditional formulations and compromise indoor air quality.

Credible certifications

Industry-recognized certifications are now seen as invaluable tools for validating and elevating cleaning standards. Organizations like CIMS (Cleaning Industry Management Standard) and GBAC (Global Biorisk Advisory Council) provide comprehensive frameworks that guide facilities in implementing best practices in both cleaning and disinfection. The result is substantially improved results, such as:

  • Risk mitigation: By adhering to standardized protocols and best practices, facilities can minimize the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and health hazards within the workplace.
  • Increased efficiency: As a result of the emphasis on consistency for efficiency and effectiveness in cleaning operations through proper training, the result is reduced waste, improved outcomes, and enhanced overall productivity.

Innovations continue to make inroads into daily practice and are quickly becoming industry standard, thanks to their ability to reduce labour requirements, improve sustainability, and deliver better cleaning outcomes. Staying on top of the latest innovations is key to assessing where and how they may fit in a comprehensive process.

From tools and techniques to staffing structure, recruitment, training and retention, commercial cleaning continues to evolve. Changing expectations, fluctuating space utilization, and new and emerging environmental and safety standards all present challenges. Along with these are opportunities to refine approaches, reduce unnecessary activities, improve employee health, safety, and job satisfaction, as well as the quality and efficiency of building cleaning and hygiene.

David L. Smith is the Cleaning, Hygiene & Sanitation Director at Bunzl Cleaning & Hygiene, Canada’s largest specialist distributor of cleaning and hygiene products and equipment. For more information or to book a comprehensive Facility Assessment please contact

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