BC Cancer Nanaimo

Nanaimo cancer centre moves to RFP

Monday, June 24, 2024

Island Health and BC Cancer has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a construction manager for the new BC Cancer Centre at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH).

“Once the construction manager is hired, pre-construction activities will begin, and the people of Nanaimo and surrounding areas will be one step closer to having enhanced, comprehensive cancer care and treatment that’s close to home,”  said Minister of Health Adrian Dix.

Submissions to the RFP are due July 15, 2024, and will be evaluated by Island Health and BC Cancer to determine the successful proponent. It’s expected the construction manager will be chosen by August 2024. Construction is expected to begin in summer 2025.

The centre will be built next to the ambulatory care building. It will house a computed tomography (CT) simulator, a PET/CT diagnostic scanner and an oncology ambulatory care unit with 12 examination rooms, four consultation rooms, and space for medical physicists and radiation therapists. The centre will contain four linear accelerator vaults, which are heavy concrete structures that contain radiation equipment used in the treatment of cancer patients.

Upgrades to NRGH have also been approved, such as a new single-storey addition to the ambulatory care building that will be home to a new community oncology network clinic and expanded pharmacy.

The upgraded clinic will have 16 treatment bays, private consultation rooms, a medication room and support space. Cancer care delivered through the clinic will include oral and intravenous cancer treatment, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and hormonal therapy. The clinic also provides initial consultation and treatment planning with a medical oncologist, supportive care, followup care and patient education.

The pharmacy will be updated to current standards and will have more space than the current one. Construction work also includes 164 parking spaces featuring a two-storey parkade next to the cancer centre, as well as parking stalls in the north lot.

The project budget is approximately $289 million.


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