heat relief tips

Toronto’s Heat Relief Strategy in effect

Monday, June 17, 2024

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has issued a Heat Warning for Toronto beginning Monday, June 17, with dangerously hot and humid conditions expected through the week. Due to climate change, ECCC predicts Toronto will experience higher summer temperatures, unpredictable weather and more extremely hot days in the weeks ahead. Landlords of older buildings in particular are encouraged to post and share the following tips with their tenants to help them stay safe in the heat:

  • Stay hydrated. Drink water regularly, even when not thirsty.
  • Plan outdoor activities for cooler times of the day.
  • Seek shade or use an umbrella to avoid direct sun exposure.
  • Use a fan to circulate cool air indoors when the temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius.
  • Keep blinds or curtains closed during the day to block out the sun.
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing and wide-brimmed hats outdoors.
  • Take cool showers or use cool, wet towels to cool down.
  • In an emergency, always call 911.

The City of Toronto activates its Heat Relief Strategy from May 15 to September 30 each year. A key part of the strategy is the Heat Relief Network where people can access Cool Spaces across the city including libraries, community centres and pools, to seek relief from summer heat. An interactive map of all Cool Spaces is available on the City’s website.

About Heat Warnings 

ECCC issues Heat Warnings when:

  • Two or more consecutive days are forecasted with daytime maximum temperatures of 31 degrees Celsius or higher, together with a minimum nighttime temperature of 20 degrees Celsius or higher, or
  • When two or more consecutive days are forecasted with humidex values reaching 40 or higher.

Residents can stay up to date on heat warnings by visiting the ECCC website.


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