IEQ-GA announces incorporation

Monday, October 21, 2019

The announcement of the Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance incorporation as a legal entity took place at a ceremony during the 40th AIVC conference, Oct. 15 in Ghent, Belgium.

The mission of the IEQ-GA is to promote and advocate for acceptable indoor environmental quality (thermal environment, indoor air quality, lighting and acoustics) for building occupants globally while ensuring the knowledge from IEQ research is implemented in practice.

Founding members of the corporation include the Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration (AiCARR), the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), the Air Filtration and Ventilation Center (AIVC), the Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (REHVA) and ASHRAE.

The founding members represent professionals from various disciplines linked to the indoor environment and are committed to work together and promote education, research and knowledge exchange at a global scale; to develop standards, codes, guidelines; and to encourage advocacy among the general public in indoor environments around the world.

“An important attribute of IEQ-GA is that it is a non-industrial alliance among societies representing members that promote IEQ,” said Bjarne Olesen, 2017-18 ASHRAE presidential member and current ASHRAE IEQ-GA alternate director. “The intent of IEQ-GA is to work with all partners of the value chain for indoor environmental quality including building research, comfort and health research, building design, installation, commissioning, operation and occupant behaviour. Furthermore, IEQ-GA will work with industry organizations to help their members to provide products and services that promote IEQ.”

The IEQ-GA is currently seeking new members from all the involved sectors and disciplines to join forces. Sectors include architects, engineers, environmental professionals, industrial/occupational hygienists and health section specialists, among others.

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