Women in roofing group launches Canadian council

Monday, March 8, 2021

The National Women in Roofing (NWiR) Canadian Council has been established with its first board of directors.

The council will be led by chairperson Lillianne Dunstall. She worked for Tremco for over 17 years before retiring as vice president, North American Business Ops and Canadian Roofing. She has been involved in NWiR since its inception in 2016 and is excited to begin a Canadian council.

“From every corner of the roofing industry, the response to NWiR’s launch in Canada has been instant and overwhelming,” says Dunstall. “Not only from contractors but from manufacturers, consultants and supply chain partners the message has been loud and resoundingly clear. ‘We support you 100 per cent in all your endeavours.’ Having this early support from the industry helps create the momentum needed to move forward with exciting speakers, programs and projects that will help women fulfill their career aspirations, while offering a support system second to none.”

Joining Dunstall on the board are:

  • Ashley Sindall, Tremco (vice-chair)
  • Anne Marie Bourque, Enercorp (vice-chair, Quebec)
  • Lucie Quigley, Roofers World (secretary)
  • Tania Skapura, Bothwell-Accurate (treasurer)
  • Chantalle Hepburn, Tremco (communications chair)
  • Mylène Tremblay, Soprema, (communications chair, Quebec)
  • Marceh Materi, Flynn Group of Companies (education chair)
  • Isabelle Morrissette, Pentagone Group (education chair, Quebec)
  • Wendy Fraser, CRCA (membership chair)
  • Audrey Bourque, Beacon (membership chair, Quebec).

NWiR has long had Canadian members, but the organization is thrilled to be representing

Canada’s women roofing professionals through the NWiR Canada Council. In the beginning, NWiR will launch NWiR Canada as a single council whose members will meet remotely. Later, when the pandemic is over and it is safe to gather in person, NWiR Canada will plan gatherings in cities with a concentration of members. Eventually, NWiR will launch councils throughout Canada, wherever NWiR members in Canada want to establish them.

“We are excited to be able to launch a Council in Canada. After supporting the development of 40+ Councils in the United States, a sister organization in New Zealand, and fielding inquiries from Mexico and Central America we are so glad that the Canadian women who work in the roofing industry are joining NWiR. Although we have always had Canadian women as members, this marks our first official Council expansion from the U.S. into North America,” said Renae Bales, chair of NWiR.

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