
Launching your commercial cleaning business

Launching your commercial cleaning business
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Launching a business is exciting and scary, as you embark on a new venture. Commercial cleaning can be a lucrative way to generate income, become your own boss, and create a legacy for the next generation. This may seem like a daunting endeavour at first but take it one step at a time to build a solid foundation for your business.

Here are some tips to get you started on the path to making your brand-new commercial cleaning business a success:

  • Decide on an independent business or whether franchising makes more sense for your goals. Look at the financial structure, profit margin potential, branding, and more to decide which works best for you.
  • Define your services and your ideal customer. Knowing what you offer and to whom will help you develop your brand, create a marketing strategy, and qualify customers for your business.
  • Take care of the administration: register your company, get licensing, set up accounting software, and invest in insurance to protect your business. Do your research to determine any other requirements in your area to get you started.
  • Get trained. Look for training courses by associations like ISSA to build your knowledge and better compete in the marketplace.
  • Invest in equipment and products to get you started. You may not have enough capital at the beginning, but starting small can help build your budget as you grow. There may also be government business loans, grants, or tax refunds you can take advantage of as a new business owner that can help with your initial investment.
  • Decide on a pricing strategy. You may want to charge by the hour, based on square footage, a flat fee per room, depending on your business structure and your potential clients. Practice costing jobs by estimating the amount of time and labour it will require, calculate expenses (salary, overhead, any other fees) and factor in profit margin to develop a guide.
  • Hire staff as needed, based on volume and revenues. Post jobs on reputable sites, describe positions clearly, and advertise the salary to attract the right candidates.
  • Market your company through social media, Google business listing, local flyers, cold calling, visit companies to introduce yourself, and get creative with generating business for your company.

In 2023, there were more than 2.1 million workers in cleaning occupations in the United States – and it’s an industry that continues to grow, offering the opportunity for new owners to generate revenue and build a business. Follow a step-by-step process to make your new commercial cleaning company a success.

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