National Housing Day

2023 TD Ready Challenge grant recipients announced

Thursday, March 7, 2024

TD Bank Group (TD) has announced the 10 grant recipients of the 2023 TD Ready Challenge, an annual initiative that seeks to support non-profit and charitable organizations involved in developing innovative, impactful, and measurable solutions to  problems impacting our communities.

The 2023 grant focused on finding innovative solutions that address systemic barriers to affordable housing across the continuum, from transitional to permanent homes, and to help increase access to affordable and stable housing.

“The TD Ready Challenge is one of the key ways we are delivering on the Bank’s purpose to help enrich the lives of our colleagues, customers and communities, and a prime example of our commitment to help people thrive in a rapidly changing world,” said Janice Farrell Jones, SVP of Sustainability & Corporate Citizenship at TD. “We are very proud that this year we’re able to help enable 10 incredible organizations to scale their efforts to contribute to much-needed access to stable and affordable housing for communities facing barriers.”

This includes racialized communities, Indigenous communities, new Canadians, seniors, veterans, people with existing health conditions, and other marginalized groups.

“We know that having a safe and stable place to call home is central to overall wellbeing. The lack of affordable housing causes serious ripple effects that impact everything from health outcomes to educational opportunities, to overall financial security,” said Shelley Sylva, Head of U.S. Corporate Citizenship at TD. “Boosting access to affordable housing helps strengthen communities and helps them prosper in a way that can lead to sustainable economic growth. I’m so proud to see how this TD grant program has grown and evolved over the years and how TD stands behind the grant recipient organizations dedicated to helping build a more equitable world.”

Each year, the TD Ready Challenge invites eligible organizations to submit applications that offer solutions to a problem statement that is connected to one or more of the four drivers of the TD Ready Commitment: Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities and Better Health. In previous years, the TD Ready Challenge problem statement has focused on helping to address the challenges of climate change, drive more equitable health outcomes, income stability, and most recently to help address pandemic-related learning loss.

For 2023, there were 10 grants available, and eligible Canadian-based organizations were able to apply for CDN$1 million. To learn more about the 2023 TD Ready Challenge grant recipients and the TD Ready Challenge Grant program, visit

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