Sumit and Geetika

Growing together

Sumit and Geetika Punchhi are building a legacy with hard work and dedication
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
By Jessica Brill

Today’s commercial cleaning landscape continues to be challenged by labour shortages, supply chain disruption, and rising costs, along with lower levels of employee retention, pressure for increased customer satisfaction, and the reality of tech adoption. With hygiene, sanitization, and safety receiving so much recent attention, commercial cleaning companies are competing for growth in a crowded marketplace. However, despite these challenges, some businesses are forging ahead with patience and perseverance. Sumit and Geetika Punchhi have made Canada their home, starting from scratch, and finding success in a matter of months as Master Franchise Owners for Anago Cleaning Systems.

At the beginning

As a family of four, Sumit and Geetika visited British Columbia five years ago, developing an affinity for Canada and recognizing the opportunity for education and prosperity. After briefly considering BC as their destination of choice, they settled in Ontario, interested in capitalizing on the business opportunities they had identified.

With 40 years of combined experience, Sumit’s in sales and marketing, and Geetika’s corporate experience in client and project management, their expertise set them up perfectly to build and operate their own business.

Making a choice

Knowing that they wanted professional change, Sumit and Geetika set about deciding on their first business endeavour together. “We needed to decide how we were going to find success in Canada, and without any business ownership history, it was quite a humbling experience,” confirms Sumit. With the goal of starting their own company, they considered their potential business model, weighing whether independent or franchise options made the most sense for their family.

They decided that the franchise route offered them a chance to hit the ground running, with established processes, credibility, support, and expertise. After analyzing the market, they identified three potential verticals: education, healthcare, and utility-based services, like commercial cleaning. Of the three, commercial cleaning offered the most appealing future because of its scalability, complementing their experience and skill sets. As well, they discovered that the franchise model is largely recession-resistant, with a constant need for cleaners, so it offered a security that the other models could not.

After exploring all the options, they settled on becoming Master Franchise Owners at Anago Cleaning Systems, focusing on “day work” like sales and marketing, client management, accounting, and overseeing unit franchisees.

“Anago stood out to us for its scalability, approachability, and culture of knowledge sharing,” said Sumit.“The commercial cleaning business is very rewarding with huge potential, and we made the perfect choice.”

Finding success

As Anago’s only Master Franchise Operators in Ontario, located in Mississauga, Sumit and Geetika have leveraged their individual strengths to grow the business together, leading them to a swiftly successful venture. Arriving in Canada during the summer of 2023, they incorporated in January 2024, completed training in February, opened their doors shortly after in March, and have been steadily growing ever since. The husband and wife team now lead Anago’s Unit Franchise operations, bringing small business ownership opportunities to entrepreneurs looking for financial flexibility or an additional revenue stream.

What’s the secret to their success? “Talent acquisition is such an important part of our business,” says Geetika. “Identifying the right talent and finding the right business partners means using your emotional intelligence to keep learning and improving that process.”

One of the best parts of the business for Sumit and Geetika is the opportunity to impact people in a positive way and to make a real difference in their lives. “Owning this type of business offers the opportunity to give back to the community. Encouraging others to set up their businesses, helping others to get ahead, and generating financial stability is the best part of what we do,” says Geetika. “Staying connected with the community offers a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.”

In addition, this business allows them to create wealth and opportunity for their family for years to come. “We are building a legacy for the next generation with a solid business for them to find prosperity and security for future generations,” says Geetika.

A higher standard

Working together every day allows the couple to build on each other’s strengths and weaknesses to yield the best results for the business. Faced with the challenge of diverse management styles, maintaining a fluid hierarchy, and working towards the same goals, this endeavour is not without its challenges.

“Conflict can come when you don’t know who is managing whom,” says Geetika. “You might be amenable to taking orders from your boss, but that’s not always the case when it comes to your spouse.” She continues, “Building a bond outside the space of your married life, and creating that division of labour is key.” With their shared passion and investment in the success of the business,  the couple’s work discussions are weightier and more passionate, as they communicate as partners on more than one level.

What does the future hold for Sumit and Geetika? Giving back is also at the top of their priority list as they focus on contributing to the community in a meaningful way. “For us, that is a crucial part of the way we want to run our business,” affirms Sumit.

They plan to continue to grow, building a business that provides superior service, refined processes, standard best practices and offers the highest level of cleaning in the industry. It is important to them to contribute to the commercial cleaning industry in a meaningful, progressive way, helping to develop and better the industry as they build their business.

“We want to be a source of passion and growth for anybody willing to invest in themselves and in a franchise model built to support them every step of the way. We remain committed to that goal in our personal and professional lives,” added Sumit.

For Sumit and Geetika, creating that legacy for the next generations with a business that builds community connection, maintains a higher standard, and makes a difference through hard work and dedication will have them seeing success for years to come.

This article was originally published in the Fall/Winter 2024 issue of Facility Cleaning & Maintenance magazine.

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