
BCCA launches campaign for fall election

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) has launched a new campaign to educate and inform voters as the province heads into the fall election. provides a centralized location where voters can hear directly from party leaders on their plans to address issues affecting the construction industry. Over the coming days, will outline each party’s commitments on how they would support the construction industry and its workers.

“We’re in the midst of a housing crisis, and B.C.’s construction industry plays a pivotal role in addressing this,” said Chris Atchison, president of the BC Construction Association. “The strength of any party’s policy to solve this crisis depends on the people who literally build B.C. Voters and those who make up our industry deserve to hear where parties stand on these issues.”

Construction industry employers and workers from across B.C. contributed their thoughts on what questions to pose to the party leaders. The questions focus on six main themes: the business of construction, housing affordability and availability, skilled labour shortage, the environment, health care, and education.

All provincial party leaders have been provided an opportunity to respond to questions on how they plan to support builders and their families. Answers from BC NDP Leader, the Honourable David Eby are now live, while answers from the Conservative Party of BC Leader John Rustad, and BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau, will be live over the coming days. Additional campaign components will be released on social media and other avenues as the election campaign gets underway.

“Members of B.C.’s construction workforce are pillars of our economy and make up a significant voter base in our province,” emphasized Atchison. “This campaign offers voters, including business owners, workers and their families, a critical opportunity to understand how different parties seek to support the construction industry, not just on the job, but in their communities and at home.”


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