Did you know many manufacturers in Canada as well as in the U.S., believe Drug Identification Numbers (DINs) are only placed on pharmaceuticals?
According to Avmor’s latest white paper some Canadian facility managers and cleaning contractors report that there is often confusion as to what is recognized as an independently verified disinfectant in Canada and this confusion extends to the U.S. and other manufacturers exporting disinfectants to Canada.
“It’s easy to determine if a disinfectant has been independently evaluated and determined to be an effective disinfectant,” says Mike Watt, head of training and new product development at Avmor in the news advisory.
Watt addresses the following questions about DINs:
What is a DIN?
A Drug Identification Number (DIN) is a computer-generated, eight-digit number assigned by Health Canada to a drug product before being marketed in Canada. The DIN verifies that the product has been independently tested and proven to be an effective disinfectant. A product will have a ‘DIN’ number on the label.
Is it just for drugs?
No. Most chemicals used in Canada as disinfectants or antimicrobials such as disinfectant cleaners, disinfecting wipes, antibacterial hand soaps, and sanitizers are regulated as drugs. So, that is the connection.
What does the DIN mean?
DINs are similar to an Environmental Protection Agency registration. When the EPA tests and verifies that a disinfectant is safe and effective, it is given an EPA registration number, noted on the product’s label. Health Canada functions in the same way. A DIN placed on a disinfectant means the product has also been proven safe and effective.
Does Health Canada do the testing?
No. In most cases, products are tested by independent laboratories. If it passes specific standards and criteria, a DIN is generated.
Do U.S. and European manufacturers selling disinfectants in Canada need a DIN?
Yes. If they are calling their product a disinfectant, to comply in Canada, it must have a DIN.
“Disinfectants used in Canada and around the world play a vital role in helping to keep people healthy,” Watt adds.
“Hopefully, this Q&A answers the key questions Canadians and U.S. chemical manufacturers have about DINs so we can make sure this continues to happen.”
Avmor is a leading Canadian manufacturer of professional cleaning solutions. To learn more about DINs, Mike Watt can be reached at mwatt@avmor.com.