Consultation eyes innovative housing production

Consultation eyes innovative housing production

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Canadian government is looking for input on how to scale up the pace and quantity of new housing production. Stakeholders in the construction, building products/materials and finance sectors will be involved in a series of roundtable discussions, while the general public is invited to respond to a discussion paper outlining the merits of innovative technologies, materials and assembly practices, and potential avenues for financing wider uptake of innovation.

A five-member panel has been appointed to support the consultation. They include: Isabelle Demers, vice-president, Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec; Emma Kozak, vice-president of real estate lending, Royal Bank of Canada; Kevin Lee, chief executive officer, Canadian Home Builders’ Association; Bryce Nugent, director, Modular Housing Association Prairie Provinces; and Carolyn Whitzman, adjunct professor, University of Ottawa.

The exercise is framed as an effort to develop an “industrial strategy for homebuilding”. That’s a term to describe more systematic production, delivery and assembly of housing components versus the current approach, which predominantly relies on builders crafting most structural elements on-site.

The discussion paper highlights possibilities for prefabrication, modular components, time and labour-saving digital design processes and mass timber production that could anchor the supply chain in Canada. As well, respondents are asked to weigh in on potential financing models and/or barriers that are currently impeding access to capital.

Comments will be accepted until September 13th.

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