Energy use analysis tool informs industry targets

Thursday, June 4, 2015

A new energy use analysis tool called ecoMetrics was unveiled at the Canada Green Building Council conference in Vancouver.

Diamond Schmitt Architects developed the tool, which examines data from energy simulation models across various building types.

“What began as a response to The 2030 Challenge for energy efficiency in buildings evolved into a powerful, interactive visual database containing energy simulation models for more than 40 of our LEED certified projects and other projects with energy simulation models,” said Birgit Siber, principal at Diamond Schmitt Architects. “This tool comes from the recognition that energy use in the building sector is the most difficult and pressing sustainable design challenge.”

The database considers determinants of energy use efficiency, such as location, building type, mechanical and electrical systems and passive initiatives, like thermal performance, and then distills the data into one easy formula.

The ecoMetrics tool also focuses on design factors affecting energy efficiency like the ratio of glazing to wall, occupancy loads and HVAC system efficiency.

“This allows for a detailed comparative analysis, which is a major step forward in informing energy demand decisions in the future,” said Mike Szabo, principal at Diamond Schmitt Architects, adding, “We’re measuring performance so that we can manage our projects, strive for net zero energy use, bring value to our client, our team, and contribute to the public discourse on energy use reduction.”