accessibility Cheam

Feds amplify funding for accessibility upgrades

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A $100-million injection to Canada’s Enabling Accessibility Fund will significantly amplify funding to support universal navigability of the built environment. The newly released federal government promises an extra $50 million in each of the next two fiscal years, to be added to the annual budget of $20.65 million allocated in the 2017-18 budget.

“Organizations want to become more accessible but costs can be prohibitive, especially for smaller organizations,” the budget document states. “The Enabling Accessibility Fund provides funding for renovation, construction, and retrofit projects — from building ramps, to support for the hearing impaired, to automatic door openers — that make communities and workplaces more accessible for persons with disabilities.”

Businesses, not-for-profit and Indigenous organizations, municipal and territorial governments are eligible for grants of up to $100,000 for small projects or up to $3 million for mid-sized projects. The application intake period for 2021 is yet to be announced.

One thought on “Feds amplify funding for accessibility upgrades

  1. Our church will be installing a lift in order to have accessibility to the second floor of the building.
    Is there any opportunity for a grant to help pay for this? We will be expecting to pay over $100,000 for the project

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