
Keeping pests out as warm weather continues

Protect your building as we head into fall
Thursday, August 29, 2024

With summer temperatures extending into the fall, businesses aren’t just dealing with more heat; longer spans of warmer temperatures can drive pests indoors to seek refuge from the heat. Understanding why this happens and how to help prevent pest issues is crucial to maintaining a clean and safe business environment.

 RELATED: Summer’s most popular pests

Here are some key reasons why heat encourages pests to move indoors during these months:

Escaping the heat: Pests such as ants, cockroaches, and rodents can be sensitive to temperature extremes. During warmer months, the outdoor heat becomes unbearable for these critters, prompting them to seek cooler, more stable environments. Indoor spaces, such as your business, offer shelter and cool air from the harsh temperatures outside.

Food and water sources: Better weather often means more outings and outdoor dining. Food-related businesses and businesses where outdoor dining is available become prime targets as the smell of food, spilled beverages and outdoor trash cans create ideal conditions for infestations.

Breeding conditions: Warm temperatures accelerate the reproductive cycles of many pests. For instance, cockroaches and flies breed faster in warmer conditions, which leads to rapid population growth. This means an infestation that starts with only a few pests can quickly become a huge problem if not addressed promptly.

 Common summer season pests and their Impact

Increased pest activity in the warmer months can pose significant challenges for businesses. From damaging property to disrupting operations, these common pests can have a serious impact on your bottom line. Here’s a look at some of the most prevalent warmer weather pests and how they affect your business:

Ants: These pests are troublesome in warmer weather as they seek out food and water. They can invade businesses, creating trails and potentially contaminating food products. Their colonies can also nest in building structures, causing long-term damage.

Cockroaches: These insects thrive in warm, humid conditions. This is troublesome for your business, because not only are they a nuisance but also a health hazard that can spread diseases and trigger allergies. They love hiding out in cracks and crevices, which often makes them difficult to detect until it’s too late.

Flies: They are drawn to decaying organic matter and can spread diseases through their contact with food and surfaces. Their presence in a business setting can be both unhygienic and off-putting to workers and customers.

Rodents: Mice and rats often seek shelter in cooler, indoor environments during the warmer months. But they also like to overwinter in warmer areas as the weather cools. This is double the reason to watch out for evidence of their presence in your business. They are known for causing structural damage, chewing through wiring and contaminating food supplies with their droppings and urine.

 Prevention tips for businesses

It’s essential for businesses to take proactive steps to help prevent infestations. Unchecked, pests can cause damage, disrupt operations, and harm your reputation. To help safeguard your business, here are some effective prevention tips to keep pests out:

Maintain cleanliness: Sanitation is the first line of defence against pest prevention. Regularly clean floors, countertops and equipment to remove food debris and spills. Ensure that garbage is disposed of quickly and stored in sealed, pest-proof containers. Establish a routine cleaning schedule and ensure that all staff are properly trained.

Seal entry points: Since pests can enter through even the tiniest openings, it’s important to inspect your business facility for gaps, cracks, and holes, especially around windows, doors, and pipes. Be sure to seal these entry points using appropriate materials like caulk or weather stripping to help prevent pests from gaining access.

Manage waste properly: Make sure all trash bins are tightly closed and regularly emptied. Both indoor and outdoor garbage areas should be kept clean and well-maintained to avoid attracting pests.

Control humidity: Since many pests are attracted to moisture, it’s important to control humidity levels within your business, whenever possible. Be sure that air conditioning units are working, and that condensation is maintained. Also, repair any leaks in pipes or roofs to eliminate potential water sources for pests.

Implement regular inspections: Routine inspections by a professional pest control provider can help catch potential problems before they become major issues. Schedule regular visits to monitor for signs of pests and help ensure that your company’s preventive measures are as effective as possible.

Warmer weather – even in the fall – will cause an increase in pest activity, driving them inside your business as they search for a cool place to hide. It’s important to stay up to date with facility inspections and intentional with proactive measures to help prevent pest issues before they arise. By following the tips above, businesses can help protect their customers, employees, reputation and bottom line from the numerous problems pests can cause. Acting now will help ensure a healthier, more welcoming business environment and keep pests outside where they belong.

 Alice Sinia, Ph.D., is the Quality Assurance Manager of Regulatory/Lab Services for Orkin Canada, focusing on government regulations pertaining to the pest control industry. For more information, email Alice Sinia at or visit

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