Laissez-faire seal to denote relaxed operations

Friday, April 1, 2016

A new certification program to recognize unobtrusive property management will help prospective tenants identify buildings with relaxed operations and no expectations of engagement. The developers of the self-administered rating system say it meets an important, and currently unfulfilled market need.

“People are frustrated enough after long commutes in crawling traffic, do they really need to dwell on the world’s problems when they get to the office?” notes Art Ifice, executive director of the Society of Unaligned Properties (SOUP), which is officially launching the program today. “We’ve come up with a couple of easily understood rankings that leasing agents, company executives and facilities managers can use to find the best match of corporate culture to the space it occupies.”

Property managers can obtain Laissez-faire or Laissez-faire Plus certification via a one-time online questionnaire, allowing them to affix a stylish seal to all company signage and communications. The database may or may not be used for further analytics, benchmarking and program development.

“SOUP’s program is all about the honour system,” Ifice emphasizes. “Those corporate responsibility and sustainability advocates talk a good game, but they have to double-check and audit everything. Don’t they trust people?”

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