A new community ice rink for T.O.’s Regent Park

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Toronto’s new and improved Regent Park ice rink has officially opened at 480 Shuter St., boasting new lighting, dasherboards and fencing. The rink is part of a larger project, the Regent Park Athletic Grounds, which is currently under construction. The state-of-the-art sports facility is slated for completion later this year.

Funding for the project is provided by the Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) Foundation, the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing and The Daniels Corporation. The facility and its grounds are designed by BBB Architects and landscape architects EDA Collaborative Inc.

“Skating is one of Canada’s great pastimes,” says John Tory, Mayor of Toronto. “This revitalized rink will provide the Regent Park community with an opportunity to gather and learn to skate or even improve their skating skills. This is another great example of how we as a City can collaborate with outside partners to improve facilities and services for residents of Toronto. Thank you to the MLSE Foundation, Hockey Canada, Toronto Community Housing, and The Daniels Corporation for making this rink revitalization a reality.”

In addition to the rink renovations, the Regent Park Athletic Grounds Fieldhouse also received upgrades. These include a new roof, windows and doors, a renovated warming/change area, two accessible washrooms and a staff and storage area.

Once complete, the 2.8-acre Regent Park Athletic Grounds will have a new basketball court, a soccer field/cricket pitch and a running track.

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