OFURA and BIN reach out to human cohabitants

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Ontario Federation of Urban Raccoon Associations (OFURA) is expressing support for human cohabitants during the COVID-19 outbreak. That follows last week’s announcement from the Canada West conference of the Bunny Infestation Network (BIN), offering encouragement and a qualified promise for a pullback on garden raiding, depending on third quarter conditions.

“We applaud humans across the country for their commitment to the health and safety of their communities and everything that grows in them,” affirmed Lee Poridae, executive director of the Calgary BIN local, who also serves as spokeshare for the wider network. “Please stay snugly at home and perhaps take this time to research online seed catalogues and get ready for planting season.”

Looking east, OFURA’s intrepid nocturnal trawlers report feeling a bit lonely, particularly as they prowl restaurant and entertainment districts, all-night transit hubs and parking lots at shift change.

“At first, we were wondering where everyone was, but then we read the notices that have been posted around our cities — which we can do, by the way — and discovered what was going on,” OFURA’s Gar Bagegobbler told the REMI Network earlier today.

The current OFURA president and long-time board member of Rosedale Ravine Raccoons (3Rs) in Toronto says the association’s province-wide membership is on standby to offer any latch-opening services humans may require during this time of social distancing.

“We acknowledge there has been some tension in the past, like when the Mayor of Toronto declared war on us, but now is the time to let go of grudges and work together,” Bagegobbler stresses. “We really hope our human cohabitants get back to their status quo very soon and stop being so vigilant about eating the contents of their fruit and vegetable bins before they spoil.”

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