Ontario consults on FM for protective refuge

Ontario consults on FM for protective refuge

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Ontario government is considering facilities management standards for animals that have been seized from their owners and placed in protective refuge. The public is invited to provide input on proposed standardized operational criteria for the range of public, non-profit and private shelters, sanctuaries and boarding services where animals may be housed.

Ontario’s Animal Welfare Services (AWS), an enforcement body within the provincial Ministry of the Solicitor General, has relied on veterinarian and other technical experts to develop three sets of proposed standards, pertaining to: companion and household animals; equine and farm animals; and, zoo animals and captive wildlife. If adopted, facility operators would be expected to comply under the terms of their contracts with AWS.

“They reflect the most commonly accepted approaches to animal care and health practices and procedures, and encompass all elements of facility, shelter and animal care management and operations,” states explanatory background posted on Ontario’s regulatory registry.

The proposed standards align with what’s known as the five domains of animal welfare. This involves the interplay of four key elements — nutrition, physical environment, health, and interactions with humans and other animals — to produce the fifth, which is an animal’s mental state.

The standards address design, maintenance, sanitation and pest control, and handling and storage of equipment and materials within shelter facilities, as well as operational procedures related to the care, handling and transportation of animals. The explanatory background suggests the standards are meant to clarify AWS’ expectations and “are not meant to be onerous or stifle growth”. However, it is acknowledged “there may be some direct compliance costs” for some protective refuge providers if the proposed standards are adopted.

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