Ontario projects receive environmental award

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nine environmental initiatives across Ontario received a Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence at a recent ceremony in Queen’s Park.

The award honours individuals, groups and companies who use innovative approaches and new technology to protect the Great Lakes and surrounding environment.

Glen Murray, Ontario’s minister of environment and climate change, was on hand to celebrate the winners.

“We hope the examples we see today inspire others to be innovators in protecting our natural heritage, not only because it’s good for the environment, but because innovation helps build a strong economy and create new jobs,” said Murray.

Many of the recipients’ projects collaborated with industry leaders, volunteers and schools to conserve water and energy, restore wildlife habitat and protect the Great Lakes from pollution.

This year’s recipients and their sustainable projects include:

  • County of Simcoe, Learning and Living Green program: 3Rs at school and home.
  • Regional Municipality of Durham, implemented curbside collection of household single-use batteries.
  • Alderville First Nation Black Oak Savanna, protected and enhanced rare ecosystems on Rice Lake Plains.
  • Murray and Wilma Scott, solved water quality issues on their farm.
  • Western University, initiated the development and use of Western University’s Energy Dashboard.
  • Teknion Limited, office furniture manufacturer, reduced use of water and toxic chemicals.
  • Credit Valley Conservation and IMAX Corporation, led water innovation at IMAX to protect the Great Lakes.
  • Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Ontario, provided conservation support to farmers and ranchers.
  • Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association, initiated stream restoration and enhancement.

A more in-depth description of the winning projects can be found here.