Progress for Don River flood protection projects

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Waterfront Toronto, along with multi-level government support, has announced a $5 million funding boost for work on the naturalization of the Don River.

This includes the second phase of flood protecting the waterfront, which aims to transform the Port Lands into an economically-sound environment.

Success was achieved with the first phase of stormwater management infrastructure as 210 hectares of eastern downtown Toronto is now protected. This includes the West Don Lands, which is the current site of the Pan Am Athlete’s Village.

Encompassing 400 hectares, the Port Lands is considered one of the most complex urban flood protection projects in Canada.

Potential flooding from the Don River watershed is currently threatening about 290 hectares in the area, including South Riverdale, Leslieville and the First Gulf/Unilever development site.

These areas cannot be developed until they are flood protected, but funding will help accelerate this part of the second phase of Toronto’s waterfront revitalization.

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