Regina stadium certified accessibility gold

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Mosaic Stadium in Regina has received the ‘Accessibility Certified Gold’ rating under the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) program.

With a score of 82, Mosaic Stadium is the first stadium to receive the rating Canada-wide and is the first site to be Accessibility Certified Gold in the province of Saskatchewan.

The venue hosts concerts, community events, sport and recreation programming, and is home to the Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club.

“We are proud to celebrate this prestigious certification,” said Mayor Michael Fougere. “When we opened the doors of our new stadium in 2017, we wanted to be sure that our entire community felt welcomed to enjoy events here. Working with our partners in the accessibility community has been an enriching experience that will impact the future of our City.”

RHFAC is the first program to rate the level of meaningful access, based upon the holistic user experience of people with varying disabilities affecting their mobility, vision and hearing. To-date, more than 1,200 buildings across Canada have been rated through the program.

Mosaic Stadium has a broad range of accessibility features that led to its gold rating including: transport, braille on signage throughout the facility, 400 assistive listening devices, public, accessible ramps and 40 power-assisted doors.

“Hundreds of thousands of people frequent the stadium each year, and an accessible and inclusive facility means that people with disabilities, whether they’re an athlete, employee or a fan, can enjoy the space alongside their colleagues, family and friends,” said Rick Hansen, founder, Rick Hansen Foundation.



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