short-term rental

Vancouver updates short-term rental rules

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vancouver City Council approved updates to the short-term rental policy, aligning it with the recently enacted Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act.

The definition of a short-term rental will be changed from less than 30 days to less than 90 days. Long-term rental licence holders who are currently renting their property for periods between 30 to 90 days will need to either apply for a short-term rental licence, if they meet all requirements, or extend their rental terms to more than 90 days and continue to operate using their long-term rental licence. These updates are expected to be enacted on October 8.

The City will also be requesting that the province amend the Vancouver Charter to allow municipal tickets to be served by registered or electronic mail.

Vancouver adopted these regulations back in 2018 and has made updates over the years. To operate a rental, such as an Airbnb or Vrbo, the property must be an entire home or room within a home that is rented for less than 90 days. It must also be licensed to the person who resides in the property, as well as a principal residence. Vacant units, including secondary units or laneway homes, cannot be rented out short-term.

In early 2025, all short-term rental operators will be required to enroll in the provincial registry, which will enhance data sharing and compliance monitoring. As of September 12, 2024, residents can apply and obtain a long-term rental licence completely online.


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