
Strathcona awards contract for new aquatic centre

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) has awarded the new aquatic and wellness centre at Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex to Heatherbrae Builders.

Phase one of the REC-REATE project includes constructing the new aquatic and wellness centre, with a total project cost of $69.8 million and a projected duration of 30 months. Completion is expected in early 2027.

The decision to issue the contract to construct phase one was not made lightly by the SRD board as bids came in $22 million higher than anticipated. SRD did an in-depth review and negotiated with trades to find efficiencies, cutting costs by $6.3 million. Despite the significant savings, the project cost remains $15.7 million over the 2023 estimate.

“The SRD board is so pleased to move this project forward for the community,” said board chair Mark Baker. “While the cost of phase one has increased since our most recent estimates, we were not prepared to delay improvements to this vital facility and risk even further cost escalation. We are excited to start construction and enhance wellness opportunities for the entire region.”

The Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex is a well-loved and vital community asset that is nearly 50 years old and near the end of its operational life. It is the only recreation complex in Campbell River with an indoor pool.

The goal of REC-REATE is to renew the facility to address aging components and to deliver recreation services that the community desires in an exciting, sustainable, safe, accessible and inclusive environment.

The new aquatic centre will be built west of the existing facility, between the pool and Dogwood Street.

The REC-REATE project includes renovation of the Rod Brind’Amour Arena. But the rising cost of construction has created some financial challenges for phase two improvements to the arena.


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