tailgate toolkit

Toolkit supports mental health in the workplace

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has released a free toolkit to help organizations create a psychologically safe environment for mental health at work.

The online resource includes informative videos, practical checklists, infographics, posters, and podcasts to help develop a strong mental health program, address hazards and risks, and hold meaningful conversations with colleagues. In the past, In the past few years, many Canadians have faced increased mental strain from being around a negative workplace culture. The toolkit also makes the connection between mental health and other human rights issues.

“Creating an environment where employees feel supported and valued not only improves their well-being but also strengthens organizations,” said Anne Tennier, CCOHS president and CEO. “This toolkit can help employers start their journey toward a mental health program in the workplace.”

Users can access the toolkit here.



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