University of Lethbridge to receive $20M in upgrades

Friday, July 10, 2020

The University of Lethbridge will receive $20 million in government-funded upgrades to its district heating and cooling centre, creating about 112 jobs in the Lethbridge area.

First opened in 1971, the district heating and cooling centre is located in the institution’s University Hall building. The upgrades to the centre will create a more efficient and functional system that will positively impact student residences, academic spaces, and research labs.

Funding for the University of Lethbridge heating and cooling project is part of an additional $98-million commitment to post-secondary institutions for accelerated capital maintenance and renewal. It is expected to create about 533 fulltime jobs around the province.

“The University of Lethbridge is one of the top research universities of its kind, and it’s also a strong pillar of the regional economy,” Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Advanced Education, commented in a statement announcing the upgrades. “This funding will not only guarantee a high-quality campus experience for years to come, it will also help many Albertans in the Lethbridge area find gainful employment and provide for their families.”

Prasad Panda, Minister of Infrastructure, added, “Alberta’s Recovery Plan focuses on infrastructure as a critical component for supporting economic growth and jobs for Albertans. This includes investing in shovel-ready projects to upgrade and maintain public facilities, like this post-secondary institution, that help keep Albertans working and stimulate local economies where it matters most.”

The province’s 2020 budget already includes $118.5 million for capital maintenance and renewal at colleges, universities, and polytechnics. In April, the Alberta government announced it was accelerating the capital plan and increasing capital maintenance and renewal spending in 2020-21 to almost $2 billion.

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