Virtual hearings ahead for Manitoba rent panels

Virtual hearings ahead for Manitoba rent panels

Monday, March 21, 2022

Manitoba’s Residential Tenancies Commission should soon have flexibility to hold virtual hearings or to link in some appeal panel participants from remote locations. The enabling legislation is part of an omnibus bill introduced in the provincial legislation assembly last week, which proposes to amend 10 provincial statutes with the aim of removing cumbersome barriers or redundant requirements in regulatory administration and procedures.

“The past two years have also provided lessons in how meetings and documents can better be managed through technology, which are incorporated in these changes,” observes Manitoba’s Justice Minister, Kelvin Goertzen.

The proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act clarify that commissioners officiating on a review panel can attend in person, by telephone or via other electronic channels. Nor would parties to the appeal have to be physically present.

Other proposed amendments would address requirements under the Real Property Act, the Workers Compensation Act and Personal Property Security Act, and allow for documents and orders related to the Employment Standards Code to be served by email. The legislation also proposes to establish a new committee of the Manitoba cabinet “to oversee and coordinate the proposed legislative and regulatory initiatives of the government and government agencies”, which is to be known as the Statutes and Regulations Review Board.

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