Industry News


Canadian school districts build for healthier environments

The schools installed future-ready infrastructure improvements for healthier, more sustainable learning environments.
water efficiency

ASHRAE & IAPMO unite on water efficiency document

The document will combine ASHRAE's and IAPMO’s respective standards to offer complimentary guidance and references.
water conservation

Shoring up water conservation practices

In preparation for World Water Day, here are five water conservation tips for facility managers and service providers.

BGIS Global CEO Gord Hicks receives the Order of Canada

Gord Hicks has been recognized for his environmental leadership in real estate, mental health advocacy, and community engagement.

New Brunswick extends program supporting women in trades

New Boots, a New Brunswick program aimed at supporting and mentoring women in apprenticeable trades, has been extended by three years.

HRAI develops COVID-19 awareness training program

HRAI is developing a COVID-19 training program for residential applications with the potential to expand into small commercial and ICI sectors.

BOMA Quebec launches Building Energy Challenge

BOMA Quebec has announced the launch of a competition aimed at reducing the energy consumption and GHG emissions of buildings in the province.

LEED registered projects in Canada now exceed one billion square feet

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) says LEED registered projects in Canada now total more than one billion square feet.

USGBC awards first LEED v4 ID+C: Retail certification in U.S.

Kohler Signature is the first company in the U.S. to receive LEED v4 Interior Design + Construction: Retail certification.

WELL and BREEAM standards to unite

The WELL Building Standard is aligning with BREEAM to make it easier for projects pursuing both standards.

CaGBC to launch Zero Carbon Building Standard

CaGBC unveiled new framework that outlines necessary components for zero carbon buildings, and says it will soon launch a Zero Carbon Building Standard.

Ottawa tower earns first LEED v4 O+M certification

Blackwood Partners Inc. has earned Canada’s first LEED v4 certification, earning Gold under the LEED O+M: Existing Buildings rating system.

Ontario imposes new rules for water-taking permits

Ontario plans to impose a two-year hold on all applications for water-taking permits for new or expanding water bottle operations.

Cascades unveils new sustainable action plan

Cascades has unveiled its four-year Sustainable Development Plan, set to roll out from 2016 to 2020.

Call for projects: 2016 This Place Matters contest

The National Trust for Canada is seeking community groups with project ideas for its 2016 This Place Matters competition.

TD Bank HQ Canada’s 1st WELL certified project

TD Bank Group’s (TD) office in Toronto is now Canada’s first project to receive WELL certification under the non-pilot phase of the program.

CaGBC awards Green Building Product winner

The Canada Green Building Council celebrated winners of the second annual 2016 CaGBC Green Building Product of the Year Award at the Building Lasting Change