
Accessibility tracks sustainability trajectory

Market pressure and industry competitiveness could propel accessible commercial real estate in the coming decade, much the way those complementary forces have already bolstered energy efficiency and low-carbon footprints.

Ontario aims to relax scrutiny of accessibility

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing says the underlying principle of improving accessibility will be maintained, and connects the revisions to the government's commitment to cut red tape that is slowing down the production of new housing.

A new dawn for Toronto Community Housing

Toronto’s crumbling community housing stock is receiving some much-needed financial support to the tune of 1.3 billion, making it the largest federal housing investment in the city's history.

Homes not so sweet for people with disabilities

One third of survey respondents acknowledge that their homes could be problematic for residents or visitors with a disability, while more than one quarter of those who currently report a disability are planning to move.

Toronto eyes time limit for elevator repairs

Property owners and managers may eventually face not only frustrated residents and tenants when elevators have to be taken offline, but also a time limit

Barriers abound in existing built environment

Voluntary action will continue to be the predominant dismantler of barriers in Ontario’s built environment and landscapes ...

Gearing up for a new AODA round

Timelines to implement standards for integrated accessibility regulation (IAR), which encompass accessibility standards in three areas (information and communication, employment and transportation), have been set.