Building Envelope

Multiple failings uncovered in fatal fire probe

Multiple failings uncovered in fatal fire probe

Beyond the UK, the report offers lessons for onlookers everywhere about slipshod diligence, inappropriately trained safety administrators and the possible risks of commercial pressures in certification processes.

Uncertainty leads to rising costs

The biggest challenge for many real estate owners in 2024 will be finding affordable insurance coverage to protect their buildings.

Investing in the greater good

As the world seeks to eliminate harmful emissions that contribute to the climate crisis, the known benefits of decarbonization are piling up.
winter maintenance

Winter maintenance strategies that work

With experts predicting an earlier start to Canada’s cold season, the time to get started on winter maintenance is now.
private balconies

Private balconies are in demand

In the wake of COVID-19, multifamily housing developers are emphasizing outdoor amenity spaces more than ever with private balconies now at the top of many tenants' wish lists.
structural safety

Collapsed high-rise spotlights structural safety

The recent collapse of a Florida residential building is an unimaginable tragedy that underscores the importance of structural safety and the consequences that could result from a failure.

Air ventilation in multi-residential buildings

Achieving a healthy indoor environment begins with proper air ventilation, especially as buildings become more airtight. Kevin Smith explains the various systems available today.

Building better density key to future development

Dev Mehta, Senior Associate at Quadrangle, explains how building better density leads to healthier, happier occupants.

Canada wavers on airtightness testing

The timing might have been opportune for uptake of the measure — provided it was adopted into provincial and territorial building codes — because it would have applied broadly in what is currently Canada’s most buoyant commercial real estate sector.

Moving toward a zero carbon economy

In a changing world where “zero carbon” is the ultimate goal in building design, can retrofits alone make Canada’s aging apartment stock sustainable?

Why window walls are favoured for condos

The window walls commonly used to enclose condos have improved, addressing issues associated with past generations of the cladding, finds a new analysis.

Toronto Community Housing in crisis

It has been another tumultuous month for Toronto Community Housing, Canada’s largest social housing provider. The city-run entity with a $9-billion portfolio is once again facing criticism for failing in the upkeep of its 58,000 units.

Technological innovations in condominiums

Technology is one of those things that never stops moving, and sometimes it can be daunting to keep up with all the latest advancements out

Energy efficiency from the ground up

Energy efficiency is more than just buzz—it's the future of the rental property industry. From older buildings getting retrofits to newer builds being outfitted with the latest technologies, it's either go green or get left behind.

Insight into window replacement in condos

Window replacement can be expensive, involved and intrusive. It's important to answer four questions before beginning this kind of project in a condo.

Reinvesting in Toronto’s aging rental towers

The Tower Renewal Project is a program to drive broad environmental, social, economic, and cultural change by improving Toronto's concrete apartment towers and the neighbourhoods that surround them. Home to a million people across the GTA, now is the time to reinvest in these vertical communities that have huge potential.

Modular apartments offer modern solutions

Modular apartments are gaining traction among building owners and tenants in cities across North America.