Conservation Measures
Toronto offers heads-up on emission thresholds
Toronto could join the slate of North American jurisdictions that impose thresholds for allowable greenhouse gas emissions from buildings sometime later this year.
A tailored approach to energy management
Buildings equipped with advanced energy management systems are more appealing to investors and buyers, and more comfortable for tenants.
Ontario recharges energy efficiency budget
Ontario’s energy efficiency budget has been recharged with a pledged 12-year, $10.9-billion spending strategy that significantly boosts funding for commercial, industrial, institutional and residential electricity customers.
Doubling down at Broadway Avenue
Hazelview has embarked on an exciting new plan to increase Toronto’s rental supply while simultaneously revitalizing an existing apartment.
A high-efficiency marvel in Montreal
Le Symbio is expected to become the first Canadian rental complex to earn both LEED and Zero Carbon Building certification.
Energy conservation in multi-unit buildings
As evidence grows about the impacts of fuel-burning on climate change, more multi-unit property owners are turning to innovative energy conservation measures like fuel switching.
The legacy of Sen̓áḵw
Currently underway in Vancouver, Sen̓áḵw is a powerful testament to Indigenous land ownership and an economic legacy that’s expected to generate upwards of $10 billion in revenue for the Squamish Nation.
Ontario offers bonus incentives for retrofits
Bonus incentives for energy efficiency upgrades will be available to select commercial and multifamily landlords and condominium corporations in Ontario during the second and third quarters of 2023.
Ontario awaits patchy debut of discount power
Most condominium corporations and rental housing landlords will need to make capital investments in energy storage to realize the benefits of Ontario's ultra-low overnight electricity rate.
Tax incentives key to driving housing innovation
As commercial finance conditions tighten, government tax incentives like SR&ED are becoming more important to the multifamily construction sector.
Electricity price embedding cycle begins anew
Ontario’s large commercial customers will have somewhat more straightforward parameters for carving out their share of the global adjustment as they prepare for expected summer peak demand.
Lakeview Village set to transform waterfront
Once the site of ugly coal-burning station, Lakeview Village is transforming Mississauga's waterfront into a vibrant, mixed-use community.
Retrofit funds tied to equity capital prereq
Retrofit proponents unable to contribute at least $6.25 million in equity capital will have to look to third-party interveners in order to tap into the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s $2-billion fund for commercial buildings.
Ontario to stretch energy efficiency spending
A new slate of conservation and demand management (CDM) programs allocates $456 million for commercial, institutional and industrial consumers over the four-year period from 2021-24.
Multifamily energy performance typically vexing
Multifamily and industrial properties are routinely lumped together as favoured investment assets, but asset managers face divergent degrees of difficulty when they seek to mine value from energy performance.
Feds to invest $2 billion in energy retrofits
A promised $2 billion investment in large-scale building retrofits will be central to the Canadian government’s job creation ambitions. Energy efficiency champions have plenty of ideas of how and where the funds could be best leveraged.
Ontario consults on next conservation framework
Residential consumption is identified as a primary concern and opportunity for the 2021-24 period, along with a continued emphasis on reducing system-wide peak demand