Environmental Management
Lenders exhibit decarbonization disconnect
Canadian lenders may be reassessing the urgency of decarbonization, but they still express enthusiasm for the sustainable assets and impact investments that appear to be losing cachet in the United States.
Toronto offers heads-up on emission thresholds
Toronto could join the slate of North American jurisdictions that impose thresholds for allowable greenhouse gas emissions from buildings sometime later this year.
A tailored approach to energy management
Buildings equipped with advanced energy management systems are more appealing to investors and buyers, and more comfortable for tenants.
Energy conservation in multi-unit buildings
As evidence grows about the impacts of fuel-burning on climate change, more multi-unit property owners are turning to innovative energy conservation measures like fuel switching.
Maintaining a healthy lawn through fall
Wanda Wolf of Landcare shares some healthy strategies for maintaining a beautifully landscaped lawn without the overuse of water and chemicals.
Building sustainable multifamily communities
Today's successful rental projects are built using the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental.
Making a case for micro-unit apartments
As housing affordability and climate concerns continue to reach crisis levels, micro units are emerging as a promising, low-cost solution thanks to innovative design concepts improving interior efficiencies.
The legacy of Sen̓áḵw
Currently underway in Vancouver, Sen̓áḵw is a powerful testament to Indigenous land ownership and an economic legacy that’s expected to generate upwards of $10 billion in revenue for the Squamish Nation.
Sustainable finance products forge way to 2050
Sustainable finance products, are expected to increasingly come into play as building owners/managers pursue decarbonization and look to bolster the climate resiliency of their properties.
The health of your building matters
A new report from CfAD, in collaboration with QuadReal Property Group, points to the positive ways healthy building strategies can drive value in real estate.
Subpar waste diversion trails Ontario target
About 85 per cent of waste from Ontario's businesses, public institutions, residential buildings with six or more units and construction/demolition sites ends up in landfill, including a vast amount of recyclable material.
How to prevent mosquito and wasp infestations
Alice Sinia, quality assurance manager for Orkin Canada, shares timely tips for keeping outdoor amenity spaces free of mosquito and wasp infestations.
Shining a light on the benefits of solar
Danial Hadizadeh, CEO at Mitrex, offers insight into the latest solar energy products and their long-term sustainable benefits.
Climate risk infuses investment agendas
Canadian commercial real estate assets are comparatively less exposed to the dire physical threats that extreme weather poses or has already served up in other global regions.
Multifamily energy performance typically vexing
Multifamily and industrial properties are routinely lumped together as favoured investment assets, but asset managers face divergent degrees of difficulty when they seek to mine value from energy performance.
GRESB adjusts 2020 path to the stars
More than 50 per cent of participating Canadian portfolios were grouped in the top two brackets of results, with 11 earning 5-star status and six attaining a 4-star rating.
AI-driven energy management platforms
The apartment rental landscape is changing. Utility costs are rising, creating the need for improved energy management.