Financial Management
Conversion momentum draws on combo of drivers
Replicating Calgary’s nascent office-to-residential conversion momentum in other markets will likely depend on the same combination of weak office values, strong housing demand and generous incentives.
Promises aplenty ahead of Manitoba election
Manitobans are hearing promises aplenty as political parties offer up tax cuts, rate freezes and incentive programs ahead of the provincial election, set for October 3.
Ontario keeps clinging to 2016 market values
The recent regulation to postpone Ontario's property reassessment for another year stretches the assessment cycle to double its originally intended time span.
Toronto strives to find more cash
Commercial properties are central to Toronto’s efforts to find more cash as the city government considers how to address massive budget shortfalls projected for 2024 and into the future.
Office conversion prospects judged challenging
Viable conversion candidates must begin with a basic structural prerequisite, but construction costs, location, surrounding amenities and assumptions about future office values all influence the business case.
Retrofitting with heat pumps
Since 2019, retrofitting with heat pumps has been rising in popularity among Canadian REITs and large residential landlords looking to invest in cleantech.
Toronto’s legacy of inclusive city-building
As the city of Toronto accelerates efforts to address housing affordability, inclusivity and the barriers inhibiting rapid housing development were top of mind at the Urban Land Institute’s Spring Meeting.
Multifamily asset values hold steady
Multifamily asset values appear to be holding steady, but transaction volume plummeted in the first quarter of 2023.
Ontario offers bonus incentives for retrofits
Bonus incentives for energy efficiency upgrades will be available to select commercial and multifamily landlords and condominium corporations in Ontario during the second and third quarters of 2023.
Sustainable finance products forge way to 2050
Sustainable finance products, are expected to increasingly come into play as building owners/managers pursue decarbonization and look to bolster the climate resiliency of their properties.
REITs unexpectedly tapped for new tax measure
Advocates for the Canadian commercial real estate industry are asking the federal finance department to clarify why real estate investment trusts have been included in a pending new tax measure.
Multifamily remains favoured investment asset
Industry analysts cite Canada’s demographic trends and seemingly chronic housing supply-demand imbalance as fundamentals that should drive robust returns on new purpose-built rental projects.
B.C. Budget 2023 takes action on housing issues
B.C. Budget 2023 promises to invest in new purpose-built rental housing with measures intended to stimulate construction and provide support for renters in need.
The path to “Better and More” housing
REALPAC has launched a new campaign highlighting the essential role Canada's rental housing market plays in filling housing need.
Working together for affordable housing
On a mission to provide clarity and solutions to Canada's affordable housing crisis, five large residential REITs launched
Tax incentives key to driving housing innovation
As commercial finance conditions tighten, government tax incentives like SR&ED are becoming more important to the multifamily construction sector.
Push to curb inflation has CRE ramifications
Transaction volume had been surpassing pre-pandemic levels until the steepest and most rapid rise in interest rates thus far this century undermined that momentum.