Financial Management

building conversions

From office to residential

Office-to-residential building conversions have been gaining momentum in some Canadian cities, but how viable are they as a long-term housing solution?
Housing supply-demand imbalance set to persist

Housing supply-demand imbalance set to persist

Recent CMHC analysis concludes that approximately 3.5 million additional dwelling units are needed to meet demand and pull prices back into closer alignment with purchasers’ and tenants’ incomes.

One-time renter payment coming to Canada

Inside the federal government's plan to provide a one-time renter payment of $500 to low-income Canadians struggling to pay their rent.
Electricity price embedding underway for 2023-24

Electricity price embedding cycle begins anew

Ontario’s large commercial customers will have somewhat more straightforward parameters for carving out their share of the global adjustment as they prepare for expected summer peak demand.
Business case assumptions evolve alongside ESG

Business case assumptions evolve alongside ESG

Investors and lenders are expected to increasingly focus on the physical and transitional risks of climate change, in turn upending some conventional views of costs and value.
risk management

What’s your risk management story?

Owners of multi-residential properties will need to demonstrate best-in-class risk management and maintenance to secure even baseline coverage in 2022.
Ontario's overdue property reassessment has been postponed for a third time

Overdue property reassessment raises alarm

Ontario’s overdue property reassessment is on hold until at least 2024, leaving many commercial ratepayers with a further wait to realize tax reductions from pandemic-related value erosion.
Calgary 8 Street

Thriving in a time of crisis

Calgary-based Avenue Living not only survived the onerous conditions of COVID-19, but emerged all the stronger for them. The reason? A sound investment strategy that favours Class B and C assets catering to what it calls “Canada’s stable and tenacious” workforce.
Property tax premiums loom for non-resident purchasers and owners of Nova Scotia residential properties

Property tax premiums loom in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia’s new provincial government is signalling looming surcharges for residential property purchasers and owners who pay their income tax in other jurisdictions.
structural safety

Collapsed high-rise spotlights structural safety

The recent collapse of a Florida residential building is an unimaginable tragedy that underscores the importance of structural safety and the consequences that could result from a failure.
GTA rental rates

GTA rental rates show signs of levelling out   

The rapidly declining GTA rental rates observed in 2020 and early 2021 appear to be levelling out, according to new data from Bullpen Research & Consulting and
Securities regulators scrutinize ESG investing

Securities regulators scrutinize ESG investing

Securities regulators wish to confirm that the representations registrants are making about the incorporation of ESG principles in their investment decision-making processes are consistent with their actual policies and procedures.
risk worksafebc

The rising cost of multi-residential construction

Multi-residential construction costs are rising in Canada due to the pandemic’s impact on everything from labour and material costs to shifting supply and demand dynamics.
Women experience vast share of 2020 real estate job loss

Women bear brunt of 2020 real estate job loss

Women were jettisoned from 14,300 of the roughly 16,000 positions Ontario's real estate, rental and leasing sector shed last year.
aging residential towers

Investing in Canada’s aging residential towers

Aging residential towers are in dire need of investment, something the pandemic has underscored given the scores of frontline workers who’ve been disproportionately affected.
Multifamily assets outperform the 2020 national average total return for the Canada Property Index

Multifamily assets surpass 2020 index average

Newly released 2020 investment results find industrial and multifamily assets on the positive side of the national average total return for 2,356 directly held standing assets, which registered -4.1 per cent.
Ontario endorses competitive mechanisms to trim the price-point of energy efficiency spending

Ontario to stretch energy efficiency spending

A new slate of conservation and demand management (CDM) programs allocates $456 million for commercial, institutional and industrial consumers over the four-year period from 2021-24.