Human Resources

DEI progress harder to see in 2023 survey

DEI progress harder to see in 2023 survey

A jump in participation makes progress harder to see in findings from the third global survey of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in the commercial real estate sector.
human rights

Human rights obligations in rental housing

Kristen A Ley of Cohen Highley Lawyers provides tips and insights for rental housing professionals on navigating human rights obligations using the new HRBA framework.
job market

Attracting talent in a competitive job market

Two leading property managers share their tips for recruiting, hiring, and retaining talented employees in a tough post-COVID job market.
Real estate gender splits outdo TSX benchmark

Real estate gender splits outdo TSX benchmark

Women are somewhat more conspicuous in commercial real estate’s executive suites and boardrooms than is the average for Canadian companies that disclose such information to regulators and unit/shareholders.
Women experience vast share of 2020 real estate job loss

Women bear brunt of 2020 real estate job loss

Women were jettisoned from 14,300 of the roughly 16,000 positions Ontario's real estate, rental and leasing sector shed last year.

Gen Z friendly cities foster a rising cohort

The study assesses and scores 110 prominent international cities on 22 indicators deemed to support and/or influence the age cohort born between 1997 and 2012.

When fentanyl hits home

In today's reality, it can just as easily be landlords, property managers, realtors or janitors arriving first at the scene of a fentanyl overdose. Being prepared is the best way to prevent a tragedy.

Confronting workplace harassment in condos

At least one industry executive thinks more needs to be done to address the harassment he says condo managers commonly confront while working in condo communities.

Loss of a Canadian apartment icon

The Canadian apartment industry has lost a leader, visionary and icon. Tom Schwartz, President and Chief Executive Officer of CAPREIT has passed away following an intense battle with prostate cancer.

How to engage an underperforming staff

Boost productivity and employee satisfaction with these staff engagement tips from M&R Holdings' Randy Daiter

Does the rental industry have an image issue?

A recent survey conducted by FRPO sheds light on the public's ambivalent attitude toward the rental housing industry and the Ontario Government's policies shaping it

Property and facilities job growth signalled

A cross-Canada human resources study reveals nearly 35 per cent of surveyed property/facilities employers expect to add more staff this year, and nearly 57 per cent are anticipating a pickup in business activity.

Welcoming Canada’s newest tenants

FRPO’s Mike Chopowick offers landlords important dos and don’ts for screening refugees as prospective tenants, and highlights a few goodwill initiatives.

Skills shortage pressures real estate salaries

Skills shortage prompts real estate employers to boost salaries and offer other enticements.

Grappling with mental health in condos

Mental health in condos must be navigated thoughtfully. Corporations have a duty to uphold rules, but above that, to accommodate individuals.

How to start networking like a pro

Networking means more than collecting piles of business cards; it is all about building strategic relationships.

CAPREIT lauded as a top Canadian employer

CAPREIT has been named one of Canada’s top 50 employers of 2014.