Swimming pool safety and liability
In the hot, hazy days of summer, swimming pools are a great source of fun and relaxation, but they also bring a host of risks and responsibilities or property owners.
Ontario offers bonus incentives for retrofits
Bonus incentives for energy efficiency upgrades will be available to select commercial and multifamily landlords and condominium corporations in Ontario during the second and third quarters of 2023.
Ontario awaits patchy debut of discount power
Most condominium corporations and rental housing landlords will need to make capital investments in energy storage to realize the benefits of Ontario's ultra-low overnight electricity rate.
Cooling deemed key amenity for Ontario renters
Conceptually, the proposed rules establish air conditioning as a protected option that tenants cannot be prevented from obtaining rather than an essential that landlords would be compelled to supply.
B.C. Budget 2023 takes action on housing issues
B.C. Budget 2023 promises to invest in new purpose-built rental housing with measures intended to stimulate construction and provide support for renters in need.
New oversight regime set for Ontario elevators
A new oversight regime for Ontario’s elevators and escalators will come into force on March 1, bringing shorter timelines for rectifying an extensive list of designated high-risk deficiencies.
Solving Toronto’s housing supply issues
As the election nears, four Toronto mayoral candidates shed light on the policies they believe will help solve the city's housing supply and affordabiity issues.
Industry responds to Premier Ford’s re-election
Doug Ford has been re-elected as Premier of Ontario in a victory many rental housing professionals and associated sectors were hoping for.
Electricity price embedding cycle begins anew
Ontario’s large commercial customers will have somewhat more straightforward parameters for carving out their share of the global adjustment as they prepare for expected summer peak demand.
Housing in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
Does Ontario's growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe do enough to encourage affordable housing, or will it lead to more urban sprawl?
Quebec budget boosts climate action spending
The budget also includes $232.5 million over five years to help universities and colleges rent additional space and $43 million to underwrite an extra 1,600 subsidized units in private rental housing.
Subpar waste diversion trails Ontario target
About 85 per cent of waste from Ontario's businesses, public institutions, residential buildings with six or more units and construction/demolition sites ends up in landfill, including a vast amount of recyclable material.
Overdue property reassessment raises alarm
Ontario’s overdue property reassessment is on hold until at least 2024, leaving many commercial ratepayers with a further wait to realize tax reductions from pandemic-related value erosion.
Development-led evictions add to housing woes
New CMHC data explores the prevelance and implications of development-led evictions and other trends impacting Toronto's rental housing landscape.
Property tax premiums loom in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia’s new provincial government is signalling looming surcharges for residential property purchasers and owners who pay their income tax in other jurisdictions.
Building well-rounded vaccination policies
A smart risk management strategy includes two distinct vaccination policies to seperately address employees and tenant use of non-essential amenities.
Amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act
Updates to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) are coming September 1, 2021, and Ontario landlords are advised to take note.