Building Systems


Minding mould in LTC and hospitals

Air exchanges and mechanical systems that were sufficient when buildings were constructed may be considered undersized today, allowing fertile ground for mould growth.
Memorial University

Science on display at Memorial University

A blue whale skeleton, 25 metres long, suspends from the ceiling of Memorial University’s Core Science Facility—as though it is swimming in empty space.
Deep retrofit logistics trip up on key products

Deep retrofit logistics trip up on key products

Few of the existing building technologies projected to help dramatically curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have yet conquered their market categories
Buildings sector pulls back on GHG accelerator

Fuel-switching challenges expected to ease

Climate, cost and capacity pose fuel-switching challenges for building owners looking to curb greenhouse gas emissions in line with Canada’s target for a 40 per cent reduction below 2005 levels by 2030.
Flammable refrigerants spark GHG reductions

Flammable refrigerants spark GHG reductions

Researchers and manufacturers have now done much of the work to prepare for the HFC phase-down, but codes and standards will need to catch up before a new generation of lower-GWP refrigerants can be used.

Strategies to reduce the risk of COVID in schools

Schools should implement these layered prevention strategies to mitigate the risks of COVID infection or transmission to the school community and beyond.
IAQ combos arresting airborne spread of COVID

IAQ combos arresting airborne spread of COVID

Commercial building operators could use a combination of air exchange, filtration and purification to comply with the industry-leading guidance for arresting airborne spread of pathogens and contaminants.

Smarter care at Vaughan’s first hospital

Through the doors of Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, the first hospital to ever rise in Vaughan, Ontario, life’s health challenges are met with comfort, safety and lots of natural light.
air filter

Maintaining schools for second pandemic winter

Every team should create a checklist, and then continually review their internal systems—floor by floor—to reveal any possible failure points.
healthcare facilities 

Guidelines inform resilient healthcare facilities 

Newly released guidelines offer a standard for approaching the planning and designing of healthcare facilities from a resiliency perspective.

Digitizing fire protection for facility inspections

With fire equipment, the biggest culprit for non-compliance issues usually involves obstructions blocking fire extinguishers and hoses from view.
remote work

A cybersafe return to the workplace

At last, our buildings are ready to catch up with the conveniences and expectations that future users have come to expect in the 21st century—and COVID has been the much-needed accelerant for this transformation in the building industry.

Campus high-rise brings health to new heights

Dingy is a word that conjures thoughts of old institutional spaces. Academic buildings with dimly-lit hallways and windowless classrooms punctured with fluorescent glare. Rarely are
zero carbon

Ottawa hockey facility a zero carbon first

How AMPED Sports Lab and Ice Complex in Ottawa, Ontario, became the first Zero Carbon Building Performance Standard certified arena.
building technology

How to optimize building technology management

Leveraging appropriate service technology and integrated service tools can ensure buildings are safe and properly maintained. 

Pandemic intensifies evolving role of FM

Facility managers are no longer viewed as a back-office function, but rather “a strategic instrument to attract and retain talent and create a great experience,”

Can purchases help reverse global warming?

When considering products with recycled content, pay attention to the types of recycled materials that are in them.