Elevators & Escalators


FM industry preps for fallout of tariffs

The U.S.-imposed tariffs on Canadian goods and Ottawa’s retaliatory measures will impact facility management across North America.

Canada far from meeting accessibility goals

Federally-regulated organizations will need to prioritize specific actions that advance accessibility and disability inclusion by 2040.

Archival preservation facility is a net-zero first

Library and Archives Canada’s new preservation storage facility opened as the first net-zero carbon archival centre in the Americas,
New oversight regime set for Ontario elevators

New oversight regime set for Ontario elevators

A new oversight regime for Ontario’s elevators and escalators will come into force on March 1, bringing shorter timelines for rectifying an extensive list of designated high-risk deficiencies.
Memorial University

Science on display at Memorial University

A blue whale skeleton, 25 metres long, suspends from the ceiling of Memorial University’s Core Science Facility—as though it is swimming in empty space.

Study finds elevator fans fail to eliminate pathogens

The confined space inside an elevator cabin creates a large risk of transmission despite standard ventilation.

Smarter care at Vaughan’s first hospital

Through the doors of Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, the first hospital to ever rise in Vaughan, Ontario, life’s health challenges are met with comfort, safety and lots of natural light.
air filter

Maintaining schools for second pandemic winter

Every team should create a checklist, and then continually review their internal systems—floor by floor—to reveal any possible failure points.
healthcare facilities 

Guidelines inform resilient healthcare facilities 

Newly released guidelines offer a standard for approaching the planning and designing of healthcare facilities from a resiliency perspective.

Digitizing fire protection for facility inspections

With fire equipment, the biggest culprit for non-compliance issues usually involves obstructions blocking fire extinguishers and hoses from view.

Campus high-rise brings health to new heights

Dingy is a word that conjures thoughts of old institutional spaces. Academic buildings with dimly-lit hallways and windowless classrooms punctured with fluorescent glare. Rarely are

VRCA announces 2017 Silver Award winners

The Vancouver Regional Construction Association (VRCA) has announced the Silver Award winners for the 2017 Awards of Excellence.

Ontario elevator strike refuses to lift

Talks between Ontario’s elevator technician union and management cannot seem to get off the ground floor.