Financial Management
Grocery-anchored retail deemed a best buy
Beyond stores selling essential goods, bricks-and-mortar retail is reeling from COVID-19-triggered public health controls and watching its already gaining competition grow even faster than projected.
CERS draft legislation awaits adoption
CERS will deliver direct rent support to qualifying tenants without the need to work though their landlords. As a direct subsidy, unlike CECRA, no loan agreement is required.
Historic property tax disparity dismantled
As announced in the provincial budget, the Ontario government plans to equalize the business education tax (BET) rate at 0.88 per cent for 2021, equating to a $450-million tax cut province-wide.
How will campuses change because of COVID-19?
Colleges and universities are questioning how much space will be needed in the future campus, how it will be operated, and how to make our built environment more healthy, sustainable and resilient.
Making data-driven decisions to cut energy losses
Retrofits to remedy energy losses through the building envelope are sometimes based on assumptions and uncertainty.
Closing the FM skills gap during COVID-19
It is critical that FMs be part of a back-to-work strategy to voice their ideas, suggestions and areas for improvement that can all be applied going forward.
Stop-gap September CECRA coverage offered
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance will be offered for a sixth month. The announcement comes eight days after the portal for new applications for the relief program appeared to be closed.
An embodied carbon primer for facility managers
Facility management affects a significant component of total lifetime embodied carbon.
CECRA now closed to new applicants
With the August 31 deadline for first-time applications for Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) now passed, the three-month program that evolved into five months of relief is closed to new recipients.
Blazing a trail for zero carbon in Nova Scotia
The zero carbon project marks an evolution in warehouses and, more broadly, the potential for a lower-emitting industrial sector.
Retail landlords absorb and counter economic hit
Results of a wide-ranging survey show many major Canadian commercial real estate players braced for the erosion of consumer confidence, tenant solvency and their own investment returns.
Details of CECRA program rollout still emerging
The CECRA program is voluntary. Not all eligible landlords will necessarily take advantage of this program for various reasons.
Outbreak accelerates role of cobotics in cleaning
COVID-19 is expected to push cobotics to the forefront of cleaning as facilities prioritize health and safety more than ever.
Pandemic spurs case for workplace technology
Workplace technology like occupancy analytics will take on greater relevance as facilities strive to become more productive and healthy.
Black swan triggers business continuity plans
Commercial real estate operators are seeking advice across a wide spectrum of expertise as they deploy their crisis management, business continuity and recovery plans.
COVID-19 ripples through to commercial leasing
Landlords and tenants are continuing to move lease transactions forward in anticipation of a return to business as usual in the near future.
Workplace trends impacting office design
Major workplace trends are creating the impetus for more sustainable, adaptable and productive places of employment.