Top employment law issues during COVID-19
Employees may refuse vaccines for reasons such as religious belief or medical reasons, and requiring these employees to undergo inoculation would be a human rights violation.
Historic property tax disparity dismantled
As announced in the provincial budget, the Ontario government plans to equalize the business education tax (BET) rate at 0.88 per cent for 2021, equating to a $450-million tax cut province-wide.
Public disclosure could foil energy reporting
The City of Winnipeg has invited commercial building owners and institutional facility managers to affix their Energy Star Portfolio Manager results on a publicly accessible map.
Gen Z friendly cities foster a rising cohort
The study assesses and scores 110 prominent international cities on 22 indicators deemed to support and/or influence the age cohort born between 1997 and 2012.
Ontario aims to relax scrutiny of accessibility
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing says the underlying principle of improving accessibility will be maintained, and connects the revisions to the government's commitment to cut red tape that is slowing down the production of new housing.
Change to Toronto sewers bylaw on tap for Jan. 1
One of two sewers bylaw changes that are expected to trickle down to building owners and managers is on tap for the New Year.
Toronto puts energy reporting proposal on pause
An energy reporting requirement for large buildings is likely coming to Toronto. The only question is: Will it come from the city or from the province?
Expanding the frontiers of universal design
Universal design encompasses much more than physical accessibility, as three Interior Designers of Canada members recently explained in a panel discussion.
Enforcing Smoke-Free Ontario Act changes
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act and Toronto's smoking bylaws recently changed. A tobacco enforcement inspector shares what property owners and managers need to know.
Changes to Toronto sewers bylaw may be on tap
Toronto has two changes to its sewers bylaw coming down the pipes that, if adopted, may trickle down to building owners and managers.
Urbanization is the new normal: report
Urbanization is the new normal, according to PwC and the Urban Land Institute’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2015 report. The publication, now in its
Delineating where private property rights end
The City of Toronto is investigating the use of visual aids to delineate where private property rights end and public property begins. The move follows
T.O.’s energy reporting consultations set for fall
City of Toronto staff have set out a fall to winter timeframe for consultations on the development of a proposed energy reporting bylaw for large buildings.
Toronto eyes time limit for elevator repairs
Property owners and managers may eventually face not only frustrated residents and tenants when elevators have to be taken offline, but also a time limit
Ontario Municipal Board reform still polarizing
Calls for Ontario Municipal Board reform are on the rise. But the OMB is a contentious issue, and experts cannot agree on how to move forward.
Toronto a leader in green roof industry
Toronto’s leadership in the industry is due to the fact that green roofs are not only encouraged but mandatory.
Round two for Toronto’s zoning bylaw
Toronto’s harmonized zoning bylaw draft is nearing completion and City staff is optimistic the rules will meet the approval of both Toronto council and property owners. But they may have reason to be wary; the City’s previous attempt at a ...