Pest Management


Five ingredients of a well-managed facility

Managing a facility requires a combination of skilled facility management personnel, efficient procedures, reliable process technology, and most importantly, a strong focus on the integration

New standards for sustainable material use

A new set of standards defines minimum sustainability criteria for high-volume materials used in architecture and interior projects.
fall pests

How to prepare your facility for fall pests

As temperatures drop, buildings are vulnerable to pests looking for food and shelter from the outdoor elements.

Protecting your facility from pandemic-hardened pests

Social distancing and reduced capacities have emboldened pests and created additional challenges for facilities.

Keeping your renovations pest-free

When planning and executing renovations, your pest management provider should be seen as a partner throughout the entire process.
pest prevention

C.L.E.A.N. tips for pest prevention

Remember to keep pest management in mind this summer to create a plan of attack for all potential problems.

Can purchases help reverse global warming?

When considering products with recycled content, pay attention to the types of recycled materials that are in them.
toxic chemicals

What toxic chemicals are lurking in our buildings?

In the age of COVID, it's also important to consider how chemical exposures influence our ability to fight disease.
washroom pests

Three steps for avoiding washroom pests

Hopefully, washroom pests are the last thing on your guests’ mind, but that’s only possible if pest management remains top of mind.

Green goals in pest control are worth setting

Green initiatives are more than a trend. Many industries are putting greater emphasis on ensuring products are sourced and processed in an environmentally conscious manner

Outbreak accelerates role of cobotics in cleaning

COVID-19 is expected to push cobotics to the forefront of cleaning as facilities prioritize health and safety more than ever.

A proactive approach to bird control

Pest birds can quickly become a nuisance once they’ve turned your business into their next roosting and nesting site. Here's how to take your property back.

Renos draw unwanted critters out of woodwork

New construction and renovations can turn up the heat on pest pressures, but proactive measures can help prevent future infestations.

A role for employees in workplace pest prevention

Facility managers might be surprised to find out how often an employee accidentally introduces pests in the office.

Aging facilities face increased pest pressure

While all buildings need protection against potential pests, older buildings can face increased pest pressures and unique challenges if left unprepared.

Change to Toronto sewers bylaw on tap for Jan. 1

One of two sewers bylaw changes that are expected to trickle down to building owners and managers is on tap for the New Year.

A zero-tolerance pest management policy

Every facility faces unique challenges when it comes to pest management. For healthcare facilities, maintaining a pest-free environment is an absolute necessity. Pests in hospitals,