

FMs ponder procurement amid trade war

Facility management professionals are preparing action plans in light of potential tariff impacts and sharing how the situation is creating unity within the sector.
Carbon price rescoped to industrial emitters

Carbon price refocused on industrial emitters

Cancellation of the consumer carbon price comes with the Canadian government’s affirmation that other incentives for reducing GHG emissions from buildings will remain in place.

FM industry preps for fallout of tariffs

The U.S.-imposed tariffs on Canadian goods and Ottawa’s retaliatory measures will impact facility management across North America.
Toronto gives heads-up on emission thresholds

Toronto offers heads-up on emission thresholds

Toronto could join the slate of North American jurisdictions that impose thresholds for allowable greenhouse gas emissions from buildings sometime later this year.

Lack of regulations and data hinder LCA progress

Selecting the lowest carbon-emitting products across a building’s material portfolio could reduce emissions by more than one-third, according to new global findings.

Creating longevity-ready communities

The global population of humans living to 100 and older is predicted to increase to nearly 3.7 million by 2050, but current institutions and policies are unprepared for this growing life expectancy.
Toronto parking review could allay tax exposure

Toronto parking review could allay tax exposure

Recommended changes to Toronto's parking regulations could present an opening for some landlords to reduce their exposure to a potential commercial parking levy.
Ontario recharges energy efficiency budget

Ontario recharges energy efficiency budget

Ontario’s energy efficiency budget has been recharged with a pledged 12-year, $10.9-billion spending strategy that significantly boosts funding for commercial, industrial, institutional and residential electricity customers.

Aquatic facility makes a splash in B.C.

The təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre in New Westminster, B.C., was named after the playful, curious nature of a sea otter, in turn, reflecting the kind of visitor experience the local community was hoping to create at the newly completed facility.
New refrigerant restrictions set for 2025

New refrigerant restrictions set for 2025

Regulators in Canada and the United States are out of sync in banning the R-410A refrigerant that’s currently a mainstay of variable refrigerant flow (VRF) heat pump systems.
Water quality

Water quality standard boosts healthcare industry

As healthcare facilities increasingly focus on patient safety and infection prevention, effective water management has become a critical aspect of medical device processing.

A mindful expansion at Sunnybrook

Amid the high-traffic frenzy of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, which houses the busiest trauma facility in Canada, a new space brings peace and comfort to patients with brain and mental health needs, and the staff who care for them.
workplace safety

Cultural biases hinder workplace safety outcomes

Workplace injury rates have increased across the globe and businesses will need to anticipate error and monitor work-related practices more readily.
Unmarked graves hold obvious truths

Unmarked graves hold obvious truths

The 2021 discovery of unmarked graves at the site of the former Kamloops Indian residential school both shocked Canadians and confirmed what the evidence had already made obvious.

Inside the Great Hall’s seismic renewal at the MOA

A major earthquake could happen at any time in B.C. and cause significant damage to the building and valuable art collections.
New water use initiatives afloat in summer 2024

New water use initiatives afloat in summer 2024

New water use initiatives from the Canadian government and the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE) have been unveiled for public input over the course of summer 2024.
environmental services

Centennial boosts environmental services program

Centennial College is now home to a ground-breaking course that is better preparing next generation environmental services professionals for the field.