Building Systems


ASHRAE partners with CIBSE to encourage safe and sustainable environments

The agreement outlines how ASHRAE and CIBSE will work cooperatively to promote a more sustainable built environment through HVAC&R technology.
Toronto Pearson infectious disease

Toronto Pearson launches infectious disease mitigation program

Toronto Pearson has launched its Healthy Airport initiative to monitor and mitigate the risk of infectious disease.
Proposal for mandatory airtightness testing withdrawn from pending 2020 version of National Energy Code

Canada wavers on airtightness testing

The timing might have been opportune for uptake of the measure — provided it was adopted into provincial and territorial building codes — because it would have applied broadly in what is currently Canada’s most buoyant commercial real estate sector.
Building an organic smart building from the bottom up could be easier than a top-down model

Open protocols could nurture organic smart city

Abandonment of the Sidewalk Labs project proposed for Toronto is unfortunate, but it serves as an important lesson that building a smart city from the top down is hard.
surety association

Smart buildings harnessed for pandemic response

While climate change may have slipped somewhat from people’s consciousness and priorities right now, it’s noteworthy that the pandemic and climate crises are both problems of exponential growth against a limited capacity to cope.

Proptech potential still largely unexploited

Global and Canadian survey results suggest proptech is more piecemeal than strategically deployed in many cases, hindering the capacity to integrate data collection and interpretation.
Setting a new standard

Setting a new standard at Ken Soble Tower

With mechanical systems nearing end of life, inadequate ventilation and other issues, the 50-year Ken Soble Tower was in critical need of an upgrade.

Finding the right facility maintenance partner

Like any other significant hire, there is a benefit to working with a facility maintenance team that can deliver tangible value to your operations.
environmental approvals

Friendlier CHP environmental approvals welcome

It's still unclear how the process of securing environmental approvals for combined heat and power systems will be streamlined, but the Ontario government's recent pledge has been greeted enthusiastically in the buildings sector.
outdoor air

IAQ standards dissect freshness of outdoor air

Guidance related to natural ventilation, particulate filtration and compartmentalization of multi-residential HVAC systems are prominent in the list of identified "significant changes" compared to the incumbent 2016 version of the standards.

Plugging into the “smart city”

How can commercial property owners and managers “plug in” to the smart city revolution?
Ontario Fire Code

Ontario Fire Code to add steeper fine bracket

More stringent fines and an extended period for prosecutions are slated to come into force 30 days after the Ontario legislature adopts the Budget Measures Act.

Success in property management energy savings

It was a mix of energy insights, incentives, and advanced controls that helped Briarlane Rental Property Management Inc. optimize its natural gas consumption and increase occupant comfort across selected buildings in its portfolio.
Operating tech ripe for ransomware attacks

BOMA Canada raising awareness for cyber wellness

BOMA Canada's 2019 Cyber Wellness Guide is a tool for building owners and managers to start thinking about cybersecurity.

Carleton University to get co-generation plant

Carleton University expects to fire up a new co-generation plant at its Ottawa-based campus next spring as part of its sophomore energy master plan.

Takeaways from #TorontoFlood

At least one condo corporation is facing what is likely to be a steep repair tab after Toronto was drenched with a month’s worth of rain on Aug. 7.

21st century grid heralds a new energy future

Data will be the golden key in the new energy future, and any company with an interest in data is already thinking about this energy future.