Building Systems
Required upgrades to single-speed elevators lifted
The TSSA recently lifted the requirement to undertake certain upgrades to the controls of single-speed elevators, but it doesn’t mean building owners should abandon modernization.
Undertaking fire alarm retrofits in older buildings
The replacement of a fire alarm system in an existing building can be a complex and challenging undertaking for building owners.
Wireless solutions for existing building efficiency
Using wireless technology to connect automated building controls provides many advantages, including cost-effective installation and building efficiency.
Inside the Zero Carbon Building Standard
The CaGBC is working to spearhead the next evolution of green building with the launch of its Zero Carbon Building Standard.
Integrated security solutions add new layer
The intrusion detection system (IDS) is slowly being incorporated into integrated security solutions in condominiums.
Albion Library first with trans-friendly signage
The new Albion Library, opened earlier this summer, is the first of Toronto’s 102 branches to introduce gender-neutral washrooms.
Building CRE value with digital real estate
To compete in the digital economy, innovative commercial real estate (CRE) companies will act now to maintain control of their digital real estate.
Kitchener redevelopment brings rare opportunity
The redevelopment of an iconic Kitchener building will preserve heritage elements and transform the space to meet the needs of a modern office user.
Why window walls are favoured for condos
The window walls commonly used to enclose condos have improved, addressing issues associated with past generations of the cladding, finds a new analysis.
Buildings factor in organizational productivity
A recent comprehensive review and synthesis of existing research from around the world bolsters the supposition that building technologies and enhanced operational practices can have a positive impact on occupants' performance and well-being.
The pros and cons of different humidifiers
The type of humidification system chosen will directly affect the amount of time, effort, and expense that must be invested to keep the equipment running at peak performance.
Beating the heat in commercial buildings
With summer just around the corner, here are some tips for facilities managers to consider when preparing their commercial buildings to beat the heat.
Research challenges current green roof standards
Flooding is giving rise to new research on how green roof performance metrics can better manage water capacity.
Backup power critical to hurricane preparedness
The start of hurricane season is around the corner and it’s important that facilities are prepared.
Sniffing out culprits for odour complaints
Scents associated with cigarette smoke, cooking and the garbage chute are among the most common odours complaints received by building managers.
Reliable Elevators Act passes second reading
If it becomes law, the Reliable Elevators Act would require maintenance contractors to restore out-of-service elevators within 14 days in most buildings.
Net positive energy office set to rise in Waterloo
In Waterloo, Ontario, workers are installing wells for a geo-exchange system that will heat and cool a new net positive energy office development.