Corporate Sustainability

REALPAC releases updated model green lease

Updated model green lease attuned to the 2020s

REALPAC’s newly updated model green lease for Canadian office buildings introduces measures aligned with the broadening demand for ESG reporting and performance outcomes.
Climate change and ESG pervade CRE projections

Climate change and ESG pervade CRE projections

Climate change is more ominous than the spectre of regulations and taxes for a small majority of commercial real estate leaders responding to REALPAC’s recent survey of their expectations for the next decade.
climate change

Real estate could reap climate action dividends

The global urgency for climate action has an upside companion in global opportunities for strategic investment that could improve people’s lives and yield sustainable returns.
WELL Certification

Pandemic propels healthy building momentum

COVID-19 has intensified pressure to support physical, social and emotional well-being within the built environment, but many investors, owners and managers were already embracing healthy building principles ahead of pandemic-triggered challenges.
Climate risk infuses real estate investment agendas

Climate risk infuses investment agendas

Canadian commercial real estate assets are comparatively less exposed to the dire physical threats that extreme weather poses or has already served up in other global regions.
Multifamily energy performance

Multifamily energy performance typically vexing

Multifamily and industrial properties are routinely lumped together as favoured investment assets, but asset managers face divergent degrees of difficulty when they seek to mine value from energy performance.
GRESB adjusts 2020 path for benchmarking ESG performance

GRESB adjusts 2020 path to the stars

More than 50 per cent of participating Canadian portfolios were grouped in the top two brackets of results, with 11 earning 5-star status and six attaining a 4-star rating.
BOMA Toronto's race2reduce aligns with climate capitalism

Real estate makes space for climate capitalism

The 2020 race2reduce field boasts more than 1,730 buildings encompassing 248 million square feet of space in common areas and tenant premises — an increase from 650 buildings covering 95 million square feet in 2019.
Public disclosure of energy use and GHG intensity holds little appeal for building owners concerned about uninformed scrutiny

Public disclosure could foil energy reporting

The City of Winnipeg has invited commercial building owners and institutional facility managers to affix their Energy Star Portfolio Manager results on a publicly accessible map.
real estate companies are a small fraction of low-carbon earners in this year's Clean200

Low-carbon earners scarce in listed real estate

Technically, three real estate entities are ranked in the 2020 Clean200 list of publicly traded companies, but just two of them have conventional commercial real estate portfolios.
Climate risk profilers

Climate risk profilers wrangle fragmented data

A widening scope of resources can be tapped to build increasingly sophisticated risk profiles, but sustainability practitioners note that data is often fragmented and difficult to obtain.
climate change procrastinators

Climate change procrastinators urged to act

The mounting consequences of being stuck fast in the wrong place for an extended wrong time begin with soaring insurance premiums and end with stranded assets.

GRESB gets lift from ESG tailwind

Major Canadian players figure among both GRESB investor members with full access to the data and the larger complement of management members that report and are benchmarked through the real estate assessment.
retail projects USGBC

Canada ranks second for LEED-certified retailers

USGBC has released its LEED in Motion: Retail report, which highlights retail facilities that incorporate LEED and other sustainability practices.
Saddledome demolition

Saddledome demolition plan bucks transparency

The upfront cost has been projected at $13.8 million. The environmental repercussions of dismantling and discarding a 474,000-square-foot concrete and steel structure are more difficult to peg.
prominent global real estate players

ESG guides prominent global real estate players

ESG provides a framework to set priorities, steer action and monitor progress toward more resilient assets, with 93 per cent of respondents reporting that criteria linked to sustainability, supporting local communities and shunning corruption influence their investment decisions.

Real estate primed for low-carbon vanguard

Canada's Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance suggests there is more untapped opportunity than coordinated action in a market grappling with emerging imperatives for climate-related financial disclosure and integrating ESG measures.