Energy Management
Smaller buildings spared Ontario benchmarking
Owners of smaller commercial and multi-residential buildings in Ontario will still be welcome to voluntarily share energy and water consumption data, but a looming deadline for mandatory disclosure has been withdrawn.
Friendlier CHP environmental approvals welcome
It's still unclear how the process of securing environmental approvals for combined heat and power systems will be streamlined, but the Ontario government's recent pledge has been greeted enthusiastically in the buildings sector.
IAQ standards dissect freshness of outdoor air
Guidance related to natural ventilation, particulate filtration and compartmentalization of multi-residential HVAC systems are prominent in the list of identified "significant changes" compared to the incumbent 2016 version of the standards.
Alberta won’t rescue energy efficiency programs
The move concludes the process begun five months ago when the newly elected United Conservative Party government repealed the carbon tax and eliminated the funding source for the incentives.
Energy efficiency primed for climate action
Few signatories to the Paris Agreement have specifically listed energy efficiency targets in required national plans for meeting their commitments so Three Percent Club founders see plenty of room to capture untapped emissions reductions.
Alberta energy efficiency programs in question
Ontario draws on the legacy of more than a dozen years of programming, while Energy Efficiency Alberta has had little time to capture public or capital planners' attention.
Nova Scotia to dim focus on lighting incentives
With the largest share of relatively inexpensive lighting upgrades completed, finding additional energy savings gets more complicated and costly. However, significant paybacks are projected from the increase in upfront program costs.
Global adjustment status quo foreseen into 2020
The current formula for allocating global adjustment costs is generally thought to be locked in for at least another year. Changes in the conservation and demand management regime are unfolding more rapidly.
Ontario spurns unpaid building code advisors
The 2019 Ontario budget lists the Building Code Conservation Advisory Council among 10 provincial agencies deemed to be unnecessary or imprudent expenditures.
Ontario reroutes CDM program delivery
Local distribution companies have been the prime drivers of the Conservation First Framework, tasked with collectively attaining 7 million megawatt-hours of energy savings in the 2015-2020 period.
B.C. affirms uneven split of hydro system costs
It's estimated that equitable apportionment could push residential rates 2.2 per cent higher than the proposed 1.8 per cent increase for fiscal year 2020, while commercial rates would drop and industrial rates remain the same.
CDM mandate survives Green Energy Repeal Act
Selected provisions enabling some of Ontario's key energy and water conservation programs will be transferred to the Electricity Act.
Carleton University to get co-generation plant
Carleton University expects to fire up a new co-generation plant at its Ottawa-based campus next spring as part of its sophomore energy master plan.
James Bay communities develop local expertise
Energy conservation initiatives are cutting costs and supporting skills development that make health care operations more self-reliant in five James Bay communities.
21st century grid heralds a new energy future
Data will be the golden key in the new energy future, and any company with an interest in data is already thinking about this energy future.
Energy efficiency messaging reset in Ontario
Energy efficiency advocates are working to enlist broader support and leverage existing influential backers at a time when government commitment is becoming more uneven across North American jurisdictions.
Mississauga tests the waters with solar panels
The City of Mississauga is testing the waters with solar panels as a supplemental heat source for its busiest — and highest utility-consuming — outdoor pool this summer.