
CRE retains ESG adherents as U.S. politics turn

CRE retains ESG adherents as U.S. politics turn

Resilience and energy/water efficiency are projected to remain highly relevant for commercial real estate in the United States, while some other concepts linked to ESG are tapped to lose momentum.
Ontario recharges energy efficiency budget

Ontario recharges energy efficiency budget

Ontario’s energy efficiency budget has been recharged with a pledged 12-year, $10.9-billion spending strategy that significantly boosts funding for commercial, industrial, institutional and residential electricity customers.
innovation efficiency

Existing buildings sector limbering up with AI

Artificial intelligence is proving useful for teaching old dogs new tricks in the existing buildings sector, finding energy savings and emissions reductions in advance of comprehensive retrofits.
Ontario re-evaluates steps for land use change

Ontario re-evaluates steps for land use change

Proposed new provincial legislation would strip municipalities of their ability to request a record of site condition (RSC) in specified circumstances where the risk of site contamination is deemed to be low.
Sustainable proptech gaining momentum

Sustainable proptech gaining momentum

An expanding roster of tech companies aligned with the sustainable and smart buildings market reflects growing demand from end-users and draws support from increasingly enthusiastic investors.
Clinically fit space on the leasing agenda

Clinically fit space on the leasing agenda

A small but noteworthy cohort of tenants will be leasing specialized space as the Ontario government moves toward granting licences for new independently operated surgical and diagnostic clinics.
BOMA Canada

BOMA Canada awards industry’s best for 2024

The Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada presented its national awards on September 25, 2024.
Fastidious work lies ahead of AI advancement

Fastidious work lies ahead of AI advancement

Early adopters and enthusiasts in the commercial real estate industry cite AI's possibilities for portfolio management, risk management, valuation and assessing investment performance.
New water use initiatives afloat in summer 2024

New water use initiatives afloat in summer 2024

New water use initiatives from the Canadian government and the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE) have been unveiled for public input over the course of summer 2024.
New green buildings strategy mostly a rehash

New green buildings strategy mostly a rehash

The Canadian government’s newly released green buildings strategy contains little that is actually new for commercial real estate or public sector facilities.
Prized office tenant steps up green demands

Prized office tenant steps up green demands

Ottawa landlords are contemplating a list of new expectations from a prized office tenant following recently announced updates to the federal government’s green operations strategy.
west end vancouver

Resolvable barriers still impede accessibility

The building features that most commonly impede people with disabilities are not those that are the costliest or most structurally complicated to correct, new survey findings show.
Pending climate-related disclosure rules highlight data requirements

A transparent need for data strategies

Based on self-reporting, many of the commercial real estate firms subject to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s pending climate-related disclosure rules are grappling with how they will comply.
Buildings sector pulls back on GHG accelerator

Buildings sector pulls back on GHG throttle

Greenhouse gas emissions from Canada’s buildings sector indicated improvement in 2022 in keeping with the general results of the newly released national inventory report.
Decarbonization roadmap navigators now in demand

Decarbonization roadmap navigators in demand

Real estate operators are looking to consultants, turnkey contractors and software for navigational assistance in developing and implementing decarbonization roadmaps.
Energy storage prompts battery of precautions

Energy storage prompts a battery of precautions

In step with the projected surge in energy storage installations, fire safety advisors are actively working to help clean tech adopters understand and mitigate the risks.
Toronto plan advocates commercial rent control

State of good repair lags in City of Toronto

Toronto is backsliding on the upkeep of municipal facilities, with a state of good repair backlog that’s projected to surpass $1 billion this year and then continue accumulating to nearly $1.47 billion by 2033.