
Input sought on quantifying life cycle GHGs

Ontario consults on next conservation framework

Residential consumption is identified as a primary concern and opportunity for the 2021-24 period, along with a continued emphasis on reducing system-wide peak demand
transparency metrics for real estate investors

COVID-19 expected to drive transparency metrics

Canada once again places in the top tier of “highly transparent” nations in the newly released 2020 edition of the JLL/LaSalle Global Real Estate Transparency Index.
Many hydro accounts for common areas in large multi-residential buildings will no longer qualify for the Ontario Electricity Rebate as of November 2020

Ontario Electricity Rebate applied unevenly

Many hydro accounts specifically tied to the common areas of multi-residential buildings will no longer qualify for the 31.8 per cent rebate beginning in November 2020.
energy management paybacks

Ontario stalls energy management paybacks

A temporary adjustment to Ontario’s electricity pricing scheme eliminates cost-saving opportunities that many operators of large commercial buildings were anticipating this summer.
Public disclosure of energy use and GHG intensity holds little appeal for building owners concerned about uninformed scrutiny

Public disclosure could foil energy reporting

The City of Winnipeg has invited commercial building owners and institutional facility managers to affix their Energy Star Portfolio Manager results on a publicly accessible map.
Proposal for mandatory airtightness testing withdrawn from pending 2020 version of National Energy Code

Canada wavers on airtightness testing

The timing might have been opportune for uptake of the measure — provided it was adopted into provincial and territorial building codes — because it would have applied broadly in what is currently Canada’s most buoyant commercial real estate sector.

GBAC STAR accreditation to steer reopenings

The new GBAC STAR accreditation program is taking the complication and uncertainty out of reopening large Canadian commercial facilities.
COVID-19 repercussions driving up global adjustment costs for commercial electricity customers

COVID-19 incubates global adjustment 2021-22

For Class A consumers, cost-saving potential will be diminished even if they successfully curtail demand during the five peak hours since those peaks are expected to be lower than usual.
Canadians now fill half of BOMA International executive officer positions

Details of CECRA program rollout still emerging

The CECRA program is voluntary. Not all eligible landlords will necessarily take advantage of this program for various reasons.
Ontario to offset electricity costs with fixed rate for global adjustment in April, May and June

Ontario to temporarily offset electricity costs

Commercial and industrial electricity customers will pay the differential above 11.5 cents per kilowatt-hour in added monthly increments beginning in January 2021.
Ontario electricity prices hold steady despite dropping demand

Ontario electricity prices flout sliding demand

Despite a steep drop in province-wide energy consumption due to COVID-19 triggered business shutdowns, many building owners/managers expect a more modest flow-through dip in operating costs.
ergonomic lighting

COVID-19 ripples through to commercial leasing

Landlords and tenants are continuing to move lease transactions forward in anticipation of a return to business as usual in the near future.
Postponed reassessment delays Ontario's next property tax cycle

Ontario to delay next property tax cycle

The move was announced in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, but additionally opens a window to adjust the mechanics of the assessment process itself.
proposed code changes

Sights and sounds of proposed code changes

A package of proposed changes to Canada's National Building Code aims to improve navigability and safety in large buildings for people with mobility, vision and/or hearing constraints.

Windows and doors in the net-zero frame

A wider selection of high-performance windows and doors is expected to hit the market as Canada's National Energy Code continues to push the envelope toward net-zero-energy-ready development.
accessibility momentum

Accessibility tracks sustainability trajectory

Market pressure and industry competitiveness could propel accessible commercial real estate in the coming decade, much the way those complementary forces have already bolstered energy efficiency and low-carbon footprints.
criminal trespass

Alberta cracks down on criminal trespass

Along with measures to discourage spurious lawsuits, the legislation has implications for commercial real estate operators and any organization with potential scofflaws among its employees or membership.