Real estate flies red flags of money laundering
Some of the signals of potential malfeasance in real estate transactions are not obvious or only appear ominous when they are part of a pattern of questionable conduct.
Ontario aims to relax scrutiny of accessibility
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing says the underlying principle of improving accessibility will be maintained, and connects the revisions to the government's commitment to cut red tape that is slowing down the production of new housing.
Alberta enables long-term property tax breaks
Newly adopted amendments to Alberta's Municipal Government Act extend provisions that were initially devised to support the rejuvenation of derelict brownfields to all non-residential properties.
Alberta energy efficiency programs in question
Ontario draws on the legacy of more than a dozen years of programming, while Energy Efficiency Alberta has had little time to capture public or capital planners' attention.
Nova Scotia to dim focus on lighting incentives
With the largest share of relatively inexpensive lighting upgrades completed, finding additional energy savings gets more complicated and costly. However, significant paybacks are projected from the increase in upfront program costs.
The duty to accommodate disabled residents
Lessons from a Human Rights Tribunal decision focusing on a residential property's obligations to disabled residents.
Global adjustment status quo foreseen into 2020
The current formula for allocating global adjustment costs is generally thought to be locked in for at least another year. Changes in the conservation and demand management regime are unfolding more rapidly.
Ontario Fire Code to add steeper fine bracket
More stringent fines and an extended period for prosecutions are slated to come into force 30 days after the Ontario legislature adopts the Budget Measures Act.
Ontario spurns unpaid building code advisors
The 2019 Ontario budget lists the Building Code Conservation Advisory Council among 10 provincial agencies deemed to be unnecessary or imprudent expenditures.
LTB collects $13 million in Ontario fee revenue
The volume and sum of Tribunal admin charges exceed most other tolls tied to commercial real estate and/or professional and skilled personnel who work in the industry.
Backlog plagues Quebec rental housing regulator
Quebec's largest rental housing association maintains fewer cases would go to la Régie du logement if landlords were entitled to ask for security deposits.
Ontario reroutes CDM program delivery
Local distribution companies have been the prime drivers of the Conservation First Framework, tasked with collectively attaining 7 million megawatt-hours of energy savings in the 2015-2020 period.
B.C. affirms uneven split of hydro system costs
It's estimated that equitable apportionment could push residential rates 2.2 per cent higher than the proposed 1.8 per cent increase for fiscal year 2020, while commercial rates would drop and industrial rates remain the same.
Ontario cues agenda for industrial properties
The action is included in a list of initiatives associated with Bill 66, the proposed Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, even though none of the bill's dozens of legislative amendments pertain to the Assessment Act.
Homes not so sweet for people with disabilities
One third of survey respondents acknowledge that their homes could be problematic for residents or visitors with a disability, while more than one quarter of those who currently report a disability are planning to move.
Mixed uses to ease into suburban office parks
The new policy would give developers a basis to challenge any local government's veto of non-employment land uses in suburban office parks.
Clothing donation bins may pose liability risk
Commercial property owners who host clothing donation bins could run afoul of their province's Occupiers Liability Act or Occupational Health and Safety Act should an incident occur.