
retail projects USGBC

Canada ranks second for LEED-certified retailers

USGBC has released its LEED in Motion: Retail report, which highlights retail facilities that incorporate LEED and other sustainability practices.
Saddledome demolition

Saddledome demolition plan bucks transparency

The upfront cost has been projected at $13.8 million. The environmental repercussions of dismantling and discarding a 474,000-square-foot concrete and steel structure are more difficult to peg.
Alberta energy efficiency programs

Alberta energy efficiency programs in question

Ontario draws on the legacy of more than a dozen years of programming, while Energy Efficiency Alberta has had little time to capture public or capital planners' attention.
Ontario to offset electricity costs with fixed rate for global adjustment in April, May and June

Nova Scotia to dim focus on lighting incentives

With the largest share of relatively inexpensive lighting upgrades completed, finding additional energy savings gets more complicated and costly. However, significant paybacks are projected from the increase in upfront program costs.
plug-and-play power

Global adjustment status quo foreseen into 2020

The current formula for allocating global adjustment costs is generally thought to be locked in for at least another year. Changes in the conservation and demand management regime are unfolding more rapidly.
unpaid building code advisors

Ontario spurns unpaid building code advisors

The 2019 Ontario budget lists the Building Code Conservation Advisory Council among 10 provincial agencies deemed to be unnecessary or imprudent expenditures.

BOMA BC introduces recommissioning program

The BOMA BC Building Tune-Up Program is geared towards Class B and C buildings that are older than five years, a market segment with significant opportunities for energy savings.
prominent global real estate players

ESG guides prominent global real estate players

ESG provides a framework to set priorities, steer action and monitor progress toward more resilient assets, with 93 per cent of respondents reporting that criteria linked to sustainability, supporting local communities and shunning corruption influence their investment decisions.
Canadian wood

CaGBC launches initiative to encourage data transparency

According to CaGBC public energy disclosure is in its "infancy" in Canada.
CDM program delivery

Ontario reroutes CDM program delivery

Local distribution companies have been the prime drivers of the Conservation First Framework, tasked with collectively attaining 7 million megawatt-hours of energy savings in the 2015-2020 period.

CaGBC addresses zero carbon skills gap in construction industry

A new report by Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) provides an action plan to close zero carbon skills gap in Ontario's construction industry.

Climate change first responders speak out

Engineers and physicians underscore some of the most worrisome vulnerabilities they see, framed through the lens of their professional concerns and responsibilities for public health and safety.

ASHRAE addresses natural resources at the House of Commons

ASHRAE President Sheila J. Hayter and President-elect Darryl K. Boyce testified before the Standing Committee on Natural Resources at the House of Commons of Canada on Nov. 20, 2018.

Interest in zero carbon buildings on the rise

After one year of operation, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC)’s Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) Program has marked several milestones.

Global green building activity continues to rise

Recent industry research shows green building in 19 countries is poised for strong, rapid growth over the next three years.

Real estate primed for low-carbon vanguard

Canada's Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance suggests there is more untapped opportunity than coordinated action in a market grappling with emerging imperatives for climate-related financial disclosure and integrating ESG measures.

New app helps users with energy benchmarking

A free app for members of the design and construction community in Ontario called the tool – Compass for short – officially launched Nov. 7, 2018.