Manitoba sticks to optional new home warranty
After first postponing the date the legacy legislation from its predecessor would come into force, the provincial government now plans to repeal the New Home Warranty Act.
Site security comes under renewed scrutiny
Construction site security is under renewed scrutiny after a member of the public gained access to a downtown property and scaled a crane.
Maximizing common element warranty coverage
An engineer offers tips for maximizing common element warranty coverage to get construction deficiencies resolved in new condo complexes.
Is condo living just a phase for GTHA millennials?
Condo living may just be a phase for millennials in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, new research out of Ryerson University suggests.
Will ‘ultra-high-rises’ cost more to maintain?
The new crop of 'ultra-high-rise' condos rising in Toronto will be more complicated and consequently more costly to maintain, one engineer is warning.
When the developer next door comes calling
With construction booming and land scarce, condo buildings in urban areas may face a situation where a neighbouring developer requires access to their land.
Builders abuzz about cannabis legalization
Ontario’s residential construction industry is anxiously awaiting tools from the province to help it uphold its workplace health and safety obligations when recreational cannabis becomes legal next year.
Turning down the volume on noise complaints
Provincial authorities are preparing to introduce requirements relating to sound transmission due to deficiencies that could cut down on noise complaints.
Why window walls are favoured for condos
The window walls commonly used to enclose condos have improved, addressing issues associated with past generations of the cladding, finds a new analysis.
Toronto looks to boost kid-friendly condos
Draft guidelines designed to promote kid-friendly condos are poised for a two-year trial run after getting green-lit last week.
Big data backs medium-density development
The development of courtyard apartments, multiplexes and town homes could be among the building blocks of better housing affordability in Ontario.
CHBA pres to talk housing affordability with feds
Bob Finnigan, president of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association, heads to Ottawa this week to talk to the feds about housing affordability.
A guide to glass balcony guards and breakage
In the past few years, there have been many cases of glass balcony guards breaking. An expert explains why this happens and how to mitigate the risk.
Tarion review consultations kick off in Toronto
As Tarion review consultations kicked off, Justice Douglas Cunningham said he has assured those who have expressed concerns he has “no marching orders."
Deconstructing housing affordability in the GTA
Housing affordability is a growing concern in Canada, but there is no consensus on how to quantify the problem. That might soon change.
Dangerous defects and professional liability
In many cases insurance is unavailable, developers are unwilling or unable to help and condominiums end up repairing construction deficiencies themselves.
Consultation dates released for Tarion review
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services this week released consultation dates and locations for the Tarion review, following a stretch of silence that, for some, raised questions about the terms of engagement.